Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

An Address to a Joint Session of Congress - Eight Years Later

After 15 years of being completely apolitical, including not voting, 9-11 happened. Rarely did I watch TV and never did I watch the "news" readers. However, on that day of infamy, I was compelled to listen to what our President had to say. I knew nothing about this man other than his name and his title...President.

Prior to 9-11 I had no idea what President Bush looked like or what he stood for. That night I saw a strong and determined man. A man who had faith in God, in his country and the American people. A man that I was suddenly grateful for as an odd sense of relief swept over me realizing it was THIS man at the helm of our great country. I saw PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH.

Eight years ago tonight, President George W. Bush addressed a joint session of congress and the American people. There was a time most of his address was committed to memory. There were so many profound, encouraging and resolute things this great man -- this wonderful President -- said on that night that I will never forget.

"Our grief has turned to anger, and anger to resolution."

"Great harm has been done to us. We have suffered great loss.
And in our grief and anger we have found our mission and our moment.
Freedom and fear are at war.
The advance of human freedom -- the great achievement of our time,
and the great hope of every time -- now depends on us.

Our nation -- this generation -- will lift a dark threat of violence from our people and our future.
We will rally the world to this cause by our efforts, by our courage.
We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail."

"I will not forget this wound to our country or those who inflicted it.
I will not yield; I will not rest; I will not relent in waging this struggle for freedom and security for the American people."

"But this country will define our times, not be defined by them."

As I traveled to Washington, DC on 9-11-09, unable to participate in the 9-11 tributes until late that night, I pondered on the events that had taken place eight years ago that day. Memories of our strong and determined President flooded my mind along with the address he delivered nine days later.

It was THIS day, eight years ago, when I saw the greatest President of my lifetime.
It was on that day I vowed to support and encourage him in anyway I could.

God Bless You President George W. Bush!
Thank you for your courage and stamina in the face of unspeakable evil.
You are sorely missed by many millions of Americans and millions of others around the world.

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