Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Death of the GOP and the Birth of a New Political Party

Alexander J. Madison – January 29, 2008

Fellow citizens,

I was holding out hope that we could save the Republican Party from its slow, deliberate and painful march towards irrelevance. But with the only Reaganite in the primary election, Duncan Hunter, dropping out this past weekend, and Tom Tancredo long gone after being pilloried by the GOP cheerleaders on ‘conservative’ talk radio, and Fred Thompson, the only other reasonably traditional conservative, unable to get the necessary traction for a competitive race against the moderates, it is time to cut our losses and let the collapse take its natural course.

The GOP, the RNC and their mouthpieces in the conservative media have alternately argued that Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and John McCain are upstanding conservatives worthy of support. Despite each having undeniable careers as moderate to liberal politicians, a sampling of arguments have been made recently in said media that Mr. Giuliani would be good for the pro-life movement, that Mr. Romney’s record in Massachusetts was a model of conservative governance, and that Mr. McCain does not support amnesty. All demonstrably false. And each man a demonstrable prevaricator in his current claims.

There are plenty of other 3rd parties in existence, but none that adhere to the unparalleled wisdom of what our Founders laid out in the constitution, coupled with the policies that, in times past, made the GOP great: The party of life, liberty, limited government, sovereignty, low taxes, and military might. In forming a new party, I have no intention of creating a refuge for fringe thinkers, disgruntled defeatists, vengeful has-beens, or self pitying 'victims'.


So today, I propose a new party, the party of Fealty to America, Liberty, Conservatism, Optimism and Nobility – FALCON. A party whose ‘Rendezvous with Destiny’ will result in the preservation of this greatest beacon of freedom in the history of nations. A party that will stay true to the intent of the founders and the magnificent and inspired documents they produced.


May God Bless the United States of America, now and forever.

-- Click on the title to read the entire article. --

Mr. Madison's writing and views have always appealed to me.
This idea is certainly worth consideration, since I no longer have a party.

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