Bush Against Romney
This alleged article "By Robert D. Novak" posted at Townhall.com on Saturday, February 2, 2008 is simply amazing.
The depths to which "news" reporting has sunk is a stunning thing to realize. This man, Robert Novak, writes: -- While President George W. Bush has maintained neutrality among contenders for the Republican presidential nomination, he privately expresses to friends his exasperation with Mitt Romney's hard-line stance on immigration.
Privately? Friends? Which friends would those be, Bob? Where are the quote marks, Bob? He allegedly said this privately where and to whom? A mediocre reporter would divulge date, time and/or location of these alleged expressions of exasperation along with the infamous "anonymous sources" nonsense. Bush is upset that Romney changed his position on the issue, compared to what it had been when he was governor of Massachusetts, at the expense of the president's immigration reform. Bush and Sen. John McCain are not close, but the president is grateful for McCain's support on Iraq and immigration.
You are a disgusting little man, Bob Novak. You know nothing and are clearly no one, so you pull an article out of the dark recesses of your addled mind and call it the gospel. Pathetic!
Labels: Novak, President Bush, Romney, Townhall.com
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