Systematically Destroying the GOP:
John McCain vs. Ron Paul
John McCain vs. Ron Paul
and is displacing the Conservative base
There is something very nefarious occurring in our land and no one is seemingly aware of it…or they simply do not care. Perhaps the drumbeat is being drowned out by the cacophony we have been subjected to since President Bush won the South Carolina primary in 2000, effectively ending John McCain’s bid for the presidency at that time. The ongoing and massive campaign to malign, castigate and absolutely destroy President George W. Bush should disturb any citizen who has a concern for his country. Allowing the blatant falsehoods, misrepresentations and abject lies -- not only to stand, but to be cultivated and expounded on -- is simply mind boggling. At least that was the case until this week.
On Friday April 23, 2010 a rather innocuous article from the Wall Street Journal titled; “Miss Me Yet? The Freedom Agenda After George W. Bush,” was posted on, regarding President Bush’s ongoing work on his “Freedom Agenda” through the newly formed Bush Institute at SMU. Of course, the thread devolved into comments and attacks on the first part of the title -- Miss Me Yet? -- totally ignoring the latter portion.
I followed a poster on the thread at He was a weird and nasty sort of chap, never giving any sort of sourcing to support his fragmented, inane statements, but continued to reiterate his nonsense with an air of superiority and arrogance not seen in anyone other than Obama. There were of course, those who came on the thread to voice their sentiments in regard to missing President Bush, as well as his on-going mission to assist those seeking freedom throughout the world. Vicious, vitriolic attacks were launched on long time members of FreeRepublic and were tolerated for six days before the eventual banning of said poster.
The above was included as a precursor to the story line indicated in the title.
Fortunately, before he was banned -- or zotted as they say of FR -- he managed to post what I believe is a key to understanding the unprecedented onslaught against a good and courageous man who has more honor and integrity in his little finger than most will ever possess collectively.
What was it the weasel said that finally made my brain engage and connect the dots that have been bouncing around inside my head?
“… I’m opposed to deifying Bush’s record.
The MSM defined him as a “far right conservative”, but he was anything but.
Continued defense of that record provides cover for other soft-socialists in the GOP.
If we want to retake the GOP, that liberalism must be expunged.”
These few lines speak volumes that will surely take time to examine and research, thus Part I in a continuing series to unravel the mysteries of such a vile attack on President Bush, the GOP, America and all who care about our great country.
In dissecting these absurd statements, let me begin by stating unequivocally that no one is attempting to deify the record of President George W. Bush. We are simply undertaking the massive task of providing an honest and legitimate accounting of his presidency. Although the same cannot be said for those vilifying his record with baseless accusations and lobbing gratuitous insults -- not only at the President -- but the whole of his supporters.
In the irony of all ironies, the poster referred to the “Main Street Media” has having defined President Bush as a “far-right conservative” -- which he claims the President was not. I will concede the point…to a degree. President Bush may not have been a “far-right” conservative, but he was most certainly a conservative. That he was not as conservative as some would have preferred, is irrelevant. The problem I have is basing anything on what the alleged “MSM” has to say.
Continuing to play defense to a medium that has lost much of their influence -- not to mention profit margin -- is ludicrous. My contempt is aimed at those who continue this practice as opposed to launching an all-out offensive to restore truth and accountability. The media -- especially the media of today -- have labeled themselves as our enemy by their actions and their faux reporting. They have become the Enemedia…or maybe they always were the enemy and only through the internet, conservative talk show talent, and the plethora of conservative print media that have sprung to life over the past two decades, are we finally waking up to that fact.
To continue appeasing the Enemedia by defending their incongruous charges against President Bush -- in whole or part -- is ridiculous. The GOP and the conservatives who identify with them -- for lack of another outlet -- should take a few pointers from the DemonRats. First…deny, deny, deny…their obscene charges. Second…coalesce around the intended target of the attacks. In this case…President Bush. As an example, think Bill Clinton. Third…demean and ridicule those making the statements.
Finally, follow up with concise irrefutable evidence to defuse the lies of both the Enemedia and those repeating them, regardless of which side of the isle they resent.
Seeking to assist in the destruction of a good man that led with dignity, honor and love of country in one of the worst scenarios in which any President has had to cope, is reprehensible. Doing it to play defensive games with a known enemy, while promoting one’s own agenda makes it all the more deplorable.
There is far more to applaud in President Bush’s record than that for which to castigate him. Most of the charges in relation to his “alleged socialism” can be correctly and easily explained – something I will do in a follow-up article. At the top of the list would be that the President of the United States of America is not a king, a dictator nor a tyrant. Well…at least he wasn’t until January 20, 2009. Most Presidents must work with Congress, whether they are hostile or friendly. To affix all blame on the President is to ignore the 535 people that actually write and promote their signature pieces of legislation and along with themselves -- John McCain being a perfect example of such behavior.
Those that declare President Bush is a liberal socialist and he and his kind must be “expunged” from the GOP if there is any hope of retaking the party, are working on an agenda of their own, with their own “leaders” and time-tables. This agenda and those behind it are who and what must be exposed.
Labels: destruction of the USA, GOP, infighting, Libertarians, Republicans, TEA Party, TEA Party movement
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