Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Friday 1-19-12

I just don’t get it. Well, maybe I do, but am simply not ready to admit the calamitous plan the so-called conservatives and establishment republicans have on the table behind those closed doors in that smoke-filled back room where they make all their deals.

It is stupefying to hear alleged conservative leaders calling on candidates to drop out of the race for the presidency while advising those who have yet to vote in their primaries – which is 98% of the country – to vote for someone who has managed to place in a distant 4th place and a virtual tie 4/5th place in the only two primaries held thus far.

Billed as the “premier conservative web site” has now officially endorsed the Newt. Many on the thread are now calling for Rick Santorum to pull a Rick Perry and quit the race and endorse Newt. You all know Rick Santorum…he is the one who actually won the Iowa Caucus to Newt’s distant 4th place showing and trailed Newt in New Hampshire by 16 votes, if that count is to be believed, to virtually tie for 4th place. I remember well how FreeRepublic endorsed that McCain stalking horse, Fred Thompson in 2008. Perhaps there are some out there who remember that disgusting primary and are reeling that it is happening again.

UPDATE: As it turns out the New Hampshire count could not be believed. SANTORUM beat Newt for a 4th place finish to Newt’s 5th place. Yet the calls continue for Santorum to quit. Go figure!

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