Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


A hearty THANK YOU and a huge CONGRATULATION go out to you, President George W. Bush!

If Americans are honest with themselves they know that without your steadfast leadership in declaring the War on Terror, the moment Osama bin Laden met justice face to face, or in the face as it were, would never have happened.

Your choice of Vice President Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld were really the beginning of the successful mission that at long last ended the reign of the international terrorist, OBL. As a former SoD the Vice President was keenly aware, and very supportive of the actions that were needed to defend our nation and her people. I commend you on your excellent choice of running mate. He expressed our mission very well, and in advance, during a speech delivered to the Veterans of Foreign Wars on August 26, 2002 when he said:

There is a terrorist underworld out there, spread among more than 60 countries. The job we have will require every tool at our means of diplomacy, of finance, of intelligence, of law enforcement, and of military power. But we will, over time, find and defeat the enemies of the United States. In the case of Osama bin Laden -- as President Bush said recently -- "If he's alive, we'll get him. If he's not alive -- we already got him." [1]
SoD Rumsfeld did the yeoman’s work of reforming our military toward a high-speed, information-driven, readily-deployable expeditionary force and leading the revolution into a new reality in both what the military delivers and how it delivers it. [2] I’m confident the changes SoD Rumsfeld made were most helpful in the hunt for Osama.

As you ended ridiculous policies and tore down walls instituted by your predecessors amongst our intelligence agencies, you facilitated the co-operation needed which led to the demise of the terrorist. Your establishment of Guantanamo Bay for housing enemy combatants, enhanced interrogation techniques, and other apparatus used to garner information, were instrumental in locating and taking out the trash.

Your love and respect for our awesome military is both well-known and appreciated, not only by military members, but all Americans who also love and respect them. It is not surprising they performed the task at hand brilliantly. The Navy SEAL Team 6 are certainly heroes to all who love our great country. Sadly, they will in all likelihood remain anonymous for their own safety in this still treacherous world.

You fought a good fight, you finished the course as much as your time allowed and you kept the faith. You told our troops early on in the WOT: “We are determined. We are patient. We are steadfast. We are resolved. We will not tire and we will not fail.” [3]

For all of this – and so much more -- your grateful nation thanks you Mr. President.

President Bush


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