Systematically Destroying the GOP:
John McCain vs. Ron Paul
John McCain vs. Ron Paul
displacing the Conservative Base
Realizing this series has become tediously verbose, I contend these facts play a significant role in our understanding as to who are the contenders, how they have set the stage we find ourselves on today, and how they intend to wrest control of the grassroots TEA Party Movement as well as the GOP.
Who are the Libertarians and Ron Paul and what are their goals within the TPM and the GOP? This quote from the Libertarians for Obama website that may shed some light on their goals:
Support the libertarian parts of Obama's agenda.
Ending the war, closing Guantanamo Bay and rolling back George Bush's curbs on civil liberties won't be easy. The same Republicans who called Obama a coward or a terrorist during the campaign will redouble their efforts when he starts to wind down the warfare state. He'll need all of the libertarian allies that he can get.
I have been unable to fathom exactly what “civil Liberties” President Bush curbed. There was no change in my life, but then again I don’t associate with terrorists or use their tactics to get what I want which may explain why I saw no change.
The Libertarian Party website boasts this quote:
The Libertarian Party is America’s third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. Our vision is for a world in which all individuals can freely exercise the natural right of sole dominion over their own lives, liberty and property by building a political party that elects Libertarians to public office, and moving public policy in a libertarian direction.
Having elements of the libertarian philosophy on one’s plate as a side dish is not a bad idea, but serving them as the entire meal is a frightening proposition.
Beware of groups using the terms; Open Government, Freedom, Liberty and Patriots. While these terms sound innocuous enough, all Americans with even a scintilla of research on organizations sporting these terms will likely turn up a link to the Libertarians and/or their funding foundations. Foundations and organizations to scrutinize are the far left-wing, radical Ford, Joyce, Heinz, Tides and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations [also the Wood Fund], the Carnegie Corporation, as well as the ever present Open Society Institute and the Soros Foundations network, founded and chaired by Nazi collaborator and communist, George Soros.
These are the types of individuals and organizations frequently associated with many of the so-called Libertarians, who like Ron Paul call themselves, republicans. While I am confident there are many folks involved who simply want pot to be legalized, and prefer to make love not war, there are dangerous affiliations being forged behind the scenes which most of the grassroots tea partiers are unaware. It is my opinion they are trying to gain control of the Republican Party as well as shepherd the TEA Party movement down their preferred path.
The Ron Paul, Libertarian tea party people gather under the umbrella called Tea Party Patriots. They boast 1500 Tea Party groups registered with them, representing 15 million members.
The Tea Party Patriots [TPP] mission statement is no different than every TP group:
• Fiscal Responsibility
• Constitutionally Limited Government
• Free Markets
TPP has not joined with the other TP organizations in an effort to project unity. They contend they have the largest membership of any of the grassroots TEA Party organizations and have no need to join others or have national leaders.
During the eight years of the Bush presidency there is little doubt John McCain continued to lick the wounds he incurred during his failed 2000 presidential primary campaign. On any given day one could find McCain dogging President Bush biding his time for an opportunity to once again thrust the knife into his back. He had a party loyalty score of only 81% -- among the lowest in the Republican conference.
From 2001-2008 McCain did little to support President Bush or the party, preferring to reach across the aisle crafting legislation that was against everything President Bush stood for: Opposing the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, the Patients’ Bill of Rights in 2001, Campaign Finance Reform in 2002, Cap-and-Trade in 2003, voted against drilling in ANWR, twice – 2003 and 2005, led the Gang of 14 in ‘05, brought forth the Terrorists Bill of Rights in 12-05, began waging a war against Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in August of 2003, began the “Close Gitmo” campaign, and all methods of demeaning the conduct of the war.
What did he hope to achieve? -- To derail the Bush agenda! By God, McCain was supposed to be the president and no one was going to steal it from him. Therefore he joined the chorus of the far left-wing, radical, lunatics proclaiming President Bush was selected -- not elected, and constantly alleging the “mismanagement” of the war, albeit was done silently or through legislative means and back room deals using unknown think tanks and alleged policy institutes.
The tragedy suffered by our country on 9-11 brought about a brief truce allowing McCain to support President Bush and the Global War on Terror. During the 2004 Republican National Convention McCain supported President Bush for re-election, praising his management of the War on Terror since the September 11 attacks. We now know behind the scenes negotiations were underway for McCain to switch parties and appear as VP on the Kerry ticket. A major motivation for his support, in all probability, was one simple fact -- McCain was up for re-election as Senator in 2004. With the elections over, McCain launched a full assault against SecDef Rumsfeld and the War on Terror.
One contingent within the Republican Party represents the so-called moderates or centrists. They are well defined in The Republican Main Street Partnership. Read their History, their Mission, and who their Elected Members are for an eye-opening experience. McCain has been a published elected member and stalwart leader for some time.
The Reform Institute launched in 2001 with John McCain serving as chairman to 2005 and Robert Kerrey assumed the position until 2008. They were able to successfully guide campaign finance reform through the legislative process bringing it to fruition in 2002. Other projects of The Reform Institute dealt with comprehensive immigration reform, which failed to be turned into another amnesty in 2006 and 2007, but is still alive and well. Large contributions in judicial races, focused primarily in California and comprehensive energy reform – promoting the “smart grid” using “renewable” resources such as wind and solar, without allowing for drilling for oil on our own soil, building nuclear power plants, clean coal facilities or oil refineries. In other words…Go green or die.
Oddly enough, there no longer appears to be any workable link to The Reform Institute. They burst onto the scene in 2001 funded by George Soros, and quietly vanished shortly after President George W. Bush left office. Some may call this a strange turn of events…a coincidence…I think not! These events and factual accounting of the bizarre turn of events, weave a cynical and disastrous web of deceit that may take an astronomical amount of time and tenacity to unravel.
We must learn everything we can about the players and their associates. What I have presented here is only the tip of the iceberg, and that iceberg will have the same effect on our beloved country as that which was suffered by the Titanic and the untimely meeting with an iceberg of its own.
John McCain is leading one of the assault teams. Known associates and those funding his subversive “institutes” and activities should be examined closely. As previously mentioned, any links to The Reform Institute no longer exist. He continues to serve as Chairman of The International Republican Institute. He was a featured speaker at The Shadow Convention in 2000 sponsored by George Soros and organized by Arianna Huffington. McCain is a long time member of the The Senate Centrist Coalition the name of which is "Third Way," subtitled, "A Senate-Focused Progressive Advocacy Group."
McCain and Ron Paul are listed under "Affirmations of Insiders" on the Bush Regime website, along with other paragons of conservatism such as Helen Thomas, Max Cleland and another disgruntled former republican, Christine Todd Whitman.
Ron Paul and John McCain: The power brokers in the war game for the soul of America.
Every known associate must be investigated.
As an acquaintance said recently;
“Our country is under a full frontal assault right now.”
If our citizens do not wake up and end their apathetic and restrained reaction to this assault, we will lose our country as sure as the sun rises in the east.
Labels: destruction of the USA, John McCain, Libertarians, Republicans, Ron Paul, TEA Party, TEA Party movement
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