The Erroneous Bush – Daniels Connection
Everywhere out here in cyberspace it seems that Bush Derangement Syndrome has come out of remission, if indeed it was ever in remission, and exploding across the planet infecting everyone and everything in sight. It is messy out here folks and rumor has it that it is not much better in the broadcast and print “media” worlds. Why would the Enemedia go to such great lengths to resurrect such a foul disease, polluting not only their own minds, but those of everyone who seem ignorant enough to give one scintilla of credibility to any of them? My palms got sweaty as my heart skipped a beat at the prospect of another term in office for President George W. Bush.
After all, if the constitution is now so irrelevant that we have permitted a lying fraud like Barry Hussein to usurp the office, why not ignore that little add-on amendment stating that one can only serve two terms as president. Careful consideration of my day dream led me to understand President Bush would never disrespect the Constitution, the office of the presidency or our country to find a loop hole which would enable a third term for himself. Nor, as it turns out, is it because his brother Jeb had announced his candidacy.
Nope…what the vitriol and hand wringing leads to is the idea that some obscure early member of President Bush’s cabinet is thinking about running for president! Why, the unmitigated gall of some folks is simply astonishing. To make matters worse, apparently Jeb Bush had a few kind words for the man. But the crème de la crème remains with a personal conversation the potential candidate, Mitch Daniels, had with his former boss President George W. Bush. Oh Noes! Someone actually valued the opinion of Dubya!
Suddenly, Governor Mitch Daniels is not (thinking of) running for president. No, the Bush machine is pushing him into the top tier. The Bush family has chosen the republican candidate. Mitch Daniels, hand-picked by the Bush elites…blah…blah…blah. President Bush has been out of office a month shy of the total number of months Mitch Daniels was in his cabinet. That’s right ladies and gentlemen; Daniels served from January 2001 through June 2003. He has been the very successful Governor of Indiana since January 2005, winning his second term with 57.8% of the votes.
On more than one occasion I have challenged posters on “conservative” web sites to document their claims about the Bush family endorsing, supporting or aiding Daniels in any way. The only answer I have received to date came from some person with ADD or a serious reading comprehension problem. So I ended up doing my own research on someone I have no intention of voting for simply to learn the facts.
Here they are, if you want to call them facts, as they come from spurious sources.
Due to computer problems for the past week, this post is rather irrelevant now as Mitch Daniels announced he will not be running for president in 2012.
After all, if the constitution is now so irrelevant that we have permitted a lying fraud like Barry Hussein to usurp the office, why not ignore that little add-on amendment stating that one can only serve two terms as president. Careful consideration of my day dream led me to understand President Bush would never disrespect the Constitution, the office of the presidency or our country to find a loop hole which would enable a third term for himself. Nor, as it turns out, is it because his brother Jeb had announced his candidacy.
Nope…what the vitriol and hand wringing leads to is the idea that some obscure early member of President Bush’s cabinet is thinking about running for president! Why, the unmitigated gall of some folks is simply astonishing. To make matters worse, apparently Jeb Bush had a few kind words for the man. But the crème de la crème remains with a personal conversation the potential candidate, Mitch Daniels, had with his former boss President George W. Bush. Oh Noes! Someone actually valued the opinion of Dubya!
Suddenly, Governor Mitch Daniels is not (thinking of) running for president. No, the Bush machine is pushing him into the top tier. The Bush family has chosen the republican candidate. Mitch Daniels, hand-picked by the Bush elites…blah…blah…blah. President Bush has been out of office a month shy of the total number of months Mitch Daniels was in his cabinet. That’s right ladies and gentlemen; Daniels served from January 2001 through June 2003. He has been the very successful Governor of Indiana since January 2005, winning his second term with 57.8% of the votes.
On more than one occasion I have challenged posters on “conservative” web sites to document their claims about the Bush family endorsing, supporting or aiding Daniels in any way. The only answer I have received to date came from some person with ADD or a serious reading comprehension problem. So I ended up doing my own research on someone I have no intention of voting for simply to learn the facts.
Here they are, if you want to call them facts, as they come from spurious sources.
CBS reported, citing unnamed sources, that former first lady Laura Bush has telephoned Cheri Daniels to encourage her to support a presidential bid for her husband and to share advice on how to define a role in the campaign. That tidbit is striking because Bush overcame her reluctance to getting involved in politics…
Mitch Daniels revealed Tuesday morning that he's consulted with former President George W. Bush, whose administration he served in as budget director, as he's weighed a 2012 presidential run.
"Yes," Daniels replied to the "Fox and Friends" crew when they asked if he's talked to Bush, who appointed Daniels as Office of Management and Budget head back in 2001.
But he declined to reveal what was said, adding, "That's between him and me."
Read more:
Daniels told Fox News Tuesday that he discussed his potential run with Bush, though he declined to elaborate on their conversation.
'That's between him and me," Daniels, who served as Bush's budget director, told Fox.
To hear Official Washington tell it, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is the new "serious" Republican presidential contender. He's praised as a "fiscal conservative" who isn't obsessed with the Right's divisive social agenda nor marred by the crazy "birther" conspiracy theories.
Mentioned only in passing is a key fact that -- in a saner world -- would disqualify him from holding any government office: Mitch Daniels was President George W. Bush's original budget director in 2001.
In other words, the "fiscal conservative" Daniels oversaw the federal budget as it was making its precipitous dive from a $236 billion surplus -- then on a trajectory to eliminate the entire federal debt in a decade -- to a $400 billion deficit by the time he left in June 2003.,_darling_of_"fiscal_conservatives,"_was_architect_of_the_us_debt_crisis?akid=6972.284972.pHIEn5&rd=1&t=19
Jeb Bush, brother of one former president and son of another, isn't going to seek the White House for himself next year, he says, but he likes what he's seen so far from Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels.
"Mitch is the only one who sees the stark [economic] perils and will offer real, detailed proposals," Bush told Jacksonville business leaders, according to the Florida Times-Union.
"He would be the anti-Obama, at least socially," Bush said in the newspaper's account of a private gathering.
^^^ Huffington Post for God’s sake!!! ^^^
This cycle, a convention wisdom is setting in that Jeb wants Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels in the race. It started with early praise for Daniels, and this week Dave Weigel offers more of Jeb loving on Daniels:
Another great “story” by this marvelous POS:
Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. His latest book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush, was written with two of his sons, Sam and Nat, and can be ordered at His two previous books, Secrecy & Privilege: The Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq and Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & ‘Project Truth’ are also available there.
Due to computer problems for the past week, this post is rather irrelevant now as Mitch Daniels announced he will not be running for president in 2012.
Labels: Election 2012, Mitch Daniels, President Bush, President George W. Bush
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