When they say Anybody But Obama they really mean Anybody But Obama or Mitt Romney. Now, I don’t disagree with that sentiment in the least … however … NEWT???
Really people, have we learned nothing? Let’s refresh shall we? Do these names sound familiar to you? GEORGE H.W. BUSH - BOB DOLE - JOHN MCCAIN
When you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got!
Of all the republicans that actually declared their candidacy there are only a couple worth discussing.
Herman Cain, while falling into the “old men” category, was vivacious and alive with new ideas presented with a fresh twist. He took no guff from the dreaded enemedia and had a unique way of putting them in their place … until they took him down of course … all with the help of the power brokers in the GOP. The other exceptions for Cain are he is not white nor is he a career politician.
Michele Bachmann of course was in unchartered territory. First, she is a woman, which apparently freaked out more than a few in the Good Old Boys Club. Second, she is unashamedly very conservative and had no problem articulating her conservatism. Third, she is young and full of energy. Last, but certainly not least, she is not a career politician. She has actually had a life outside of the government largess.
Rick Santorum is the last conservative standing, but the big guns and knives are coming out for him in a big way. While I like Rick just fine, he would not have been my first choice for this, the most important election of our time. However, after Cain and Bachmann turned tail and ran, Rick is the only one I would consider voting for although he is not as conservative as I would prefer. Admittedly, I arrived at this decision when all the alleged conservatives were screaming for him to get out of the race to make room for the gigantic ego that is Newt.
What is most curious is that these mouth pieces were insisting he withdraw even though he won in Iowa while Newt came in at a very distant fourth place. The screams continued after Rick beat Newt in New Hampshire – albeit in fourth place -- which I will never understand. But I guess it is true what they say … the media chooses our candidates and that includes the so-called “conservative” media.
The Newt Blitz has been formidable and finally propelled Newt to his very first win in South Carolina. Now the cat calls for Santorum to quit have reached decibels that I no longer hear. Hopefully Rick can’t hear them either. It should now be clear for all to see at this point that the fix is in – AGAIN!
Labels: Election 2012, GOP, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Primary, Rick Santorum
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