Mitt Romney withdrew from the race for the presidency today...ostensibly for the "good of the country and the good of the party" in a time of war.
What is good about removing choices from the American people?
Why is it good that candidates are being removed before most citizens have an opportunity to vote?
What makes an uncontested race for the presidency a free and fair election?
And why is that good for America?
Good for the party? Okay. The party is now dead. With their recent actions and the gestapo forcing withdrawals from the presidential race, I suppose it is good for the party.
When Duncan Hunter was still in the race the war or military service was rarely mentioned. Wish I had paid attention to how many times those two things have been brought up since he was effectively removed.
What we are witnessing is the downfall of the United States of America.
This in no way resembles a free and fair election.
No way is this a government by the people, for the people and of the people.
The entire process has turned into a theatrical production...a dog and pony show...a circus...a bad dream. The American people should be rising up demanding freedom. Instead they are begging folks like me to vote for the most vile candidate I have seen in my lifetime.
Will I vote for McCain? The answer is not just NO! -- but HELL NO!
Labels: Duncan Hunter, Election 2008, Romney
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