Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Monday, February 04, 2008

This piece was completed on January 17, 2008 which was to be widely distributed throughout the Christian community. As we all know, Duncan Hunter "ended" his campaign on January 19th, before the piece could be sent out. After sitting in a near catatonic state for the past 15 days, I have decided to post the piece for informational value if nothing else.

YOU have a choice in the 2008 Presidential election!

Thanks to the bias of the media, there is little doubt that few know of the deep faith and Christian principles that guide Congressman Duncan Hunter, the California Republican campaigning for the highest office in the land and leader of the free world.

Duncan Hunter is a Christian and a man of strong Faith:
Congressman Hunter does not simply talk the talk we have been hearing so much about lately, he actually walks the walk. When invited each of the presidential candidates to fill out a prepared questionnaire, Duncan Hunter was one of the only candidates to respond. He was awarded the only A they gave and won their endorsement. ( )

From his answers to the questions, watching and listening to this humble man speak, I have learned much about this patriot I pray will be the next President of the United States.

Duncan Hunter became a Christian when he was 16 years old. He believes his dependence is knowing the Lord and walking with him daily. Being in politics and living in Washington, DC has it’s challenges and Hunter strives to honor the Lord in all that he does as a leader. He says his leadership skills of patience and humility are derived from the Holy Spirit. When asked if he had to choose between God and country, which he would choose, his response was profound in its simplicity;
"By choosing the Lord, I honor my country."

At the November 28, 2007 CNN-You Tube debate, a question was asked of all the candidates. Congressman Hunter wrote a letter to the questioner. (highlights)
As you know…I myself was not given an opportunity. [to answer]
Allow me to respond directly to your question now. “Do you believe in every word of this book?” meaning the Bible. Hunter’s answer, Yes, by faith. --
After quoting John 3:16, Hunter goes on…If you believe in this promise, which so obviously is not scientifically provable, then is there any other event in the Bible that God’s hand cannot accomplish? --

When I am asked by those who pride themselves on the reliance on provable scientific facts regarding the validity of the scriptures, I answer with one such set of facts. There are an infinite number of atoms on the head of a pin, each of which are circled by electrons. Who placed those electrons there? I hope their attempt to answer this question helps them to understand my three-word answer to your original question.
Do I believe every word of the Bible?
Yes, by faith.

Duncan Hunter does not forget what is important, even though he is on the campaign trail while continuing to do his job in congress.
Hunter first stopped at the Greenwood County Courthouse for a "Call to Prayer" for U.S. troops at home and overseas --
“But the primary reason we're here is to pray and support the troops.
What's going to give us freedom is faith."

Duncan Hunter is Pro-Life:
Mr. Hunter has authored, sponsored or cosponsored pro-life and pro-family legislation every year for more than ten years. Typically, he introduces his Life at Conception Act on or near the anniversary of the abominable Roe v. Wade decision. He appears and speaks at the March for Life and has a 100% pro-life voting record with the National Right to Life Committee, Family Research Council and the Christian Coalition.
The Right to Life Act specifically acknowledges the personhood of the unborn as supported by the U.S. Constitution.

"Our greatest obligation as elected leaders is to protect the American people, especially those who are incapable of protecting themselves," said Congressman Hunter. Our children, whether born or unborn, deserve the opportunity to grow and live in a society that values and respects life.

"On this anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision, it is important that we reflect on the 38 million abortions that have been performed in this country since the practice was legalized in 1973. This is a national tragedy that must not go unnoticed.

"This legislation ensures that the unborn are protected from abortion and further provided the same Constitutional protections provided to all Americans. I am proud to once again introduce this important piece of legislation and I hope my colleagues will join me in support of this effort as they have in the previous Congress."

Duncan Hunter’s Life at Conception Act, if passed, would define life as beginning at conception. If that happened, the Preamble, 5th, and the 14th amendments would apply to protecting the lives of the unborn. An admission made by the court in their Roe v. Wade ruling when Justice Blackmun wrote; If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment.

Q: What will you do to restore legal protection to the unborn?
A: Well, the first thing I would do is pass the Hunter bill which states that life does begin at conception. You know, the second thing is simply this, and I've said this in every speech that I've made in this run for the presidency. If a judicial candidate can look at a sonogram of an unborn child and not see a valuable human life, I will not appoint that judicial candidate to the federal bench. It's as simple as that.
Source: 2007 GOP Values Voter Presidential Debate Sep 17, 2007

Duncan Hunter is Pro-Family and Traditional Values:
Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-family voting record. (Dec 2003)

Hunter: “I strongly believe Congress needs to remain actively involved in ensuring parents' rights are protected and I have significant concerns with recent judicial rulings recognizing "de-facto" or "psychological" parents, individuals who assist in raising a child. These types of decisions undermine parental authority, allowing any adult with an association with the child to make parental claims.”

Supports The Families Reinforcement Act:Child support enforcement, tax incentives for adoption, strengthening rights of parents in their children’s education, stronger child pornography laws, and an elderly dependent care tax credit to reinforce the central role of families in American society.

When asked if he would support a federal marriage amendment, Mr. Hunter replied:
“It's so important that we have that law that accommodates the Judeo-Christian traditions that maintains what is probably the most important institution in this country, which is a family. The most important institution that we have. The confidence that marriage gives our children, that moms and dads give our children, can't be duplicated by government. We need a constitutional amendment to maintain their marriage.”

Core Principles can be found at
Regarding sexual orientation as a protected class under federal civil rights laws and hate crimes: I have always voted against this type of legislation because I firmly believe that the use of violence against any innocent person is wrong, regardless of that individual's race, religion, nationality or sexual orientation. Despite the intentions of these bills, I sincerely doubt that increased federal involvement in these state issues would have any significant effect on these crimes. If crimes are prioritized based on the victims' status, we threaten the very tenet of equal protection under the law that is the foundation of our legal system. Instead, all violations of the law should be dealt with in a manner that delivers justice on behalf of the victims and their families. I support strict punishment for heinous crimes, like murder, regardless of the social circumstances. The idea espoused in so called "hate crime" legislation that some murders are less serious than others rebukes common sense.

Taking into consideration that approximately 2 million children are taught at home, [home schooled] it is important that we make every effort to ensure these students have the same access and opportunities to federal benefits, such as financial aid, as those who attend public school.

Voted NO on allowing Courts to decide on "God" in Pledge of Allegiance.

Hunter sponsored a resolution for a School Prayer Amendment:
H.J.RES.52 (2001), H.J.RES.66 (1999), S.J.RES. 1, H.J.RES.12, H. J. RES. 108, & H. J. RES. 55:
Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to prohibit individual or group prayer in public schools or other public institutions. No person shall be required by the United States or by any State to participate in prayer . Neither the United States nor any State shall compose the words of any prayer to be said in public schools.

H. J. RES. 78 (1997):
To secure the people's right to acknowledge God according to the dictates of conscience: Neither the United States nor any State shall establish any official religion, but the people's right to pray and to recognize their religious beliefs, heritage, or traditions on public property, including schools, shall not be infringed. Neither the United States nor any State shall require any person to join in prayer or other religious activity, prescribe school prayers, discriminate against religion, or deny equal access to a benefit on account of religion.

Duncan Hunter support the Constitution Restoration Act that prevents federal courts from hearing lawsuits brought to stop public officials from acknowledging God in such ways as the Pledge of Allegiance, public display of the Ten Commandments and public prayer.

Congressman Hunter believes; “Our work is to make sure that we elevate the American family and make a life of opportunity for that next generation of Americans.”

Duncan Hunter is a standout worthy of serious consideration by conservative voters, …because one has to spend only a minute with him to know what achievement he counts above all others -- his 33 years of marriage to his wife, Lynne, and the two sons and four grandchildren that are the product of that marriage.
Duncan is a family man above all.

My apologies for the length of this missive, but it is hard to stop gushing when one finds a candidate such as Duncan Hunter. I did not feel I could do him justice by saying he is a Christian, Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Traditional Values and All-American Patriot!

We do not have to settle for less in 2008
Duncan Hunter is the Complete Conservative Christian!

The Bible says; My people parish for lack of knowledge…
We are living in perilous times. Be informed and exercise your right to vote.

To quote JD Hayworth in his recent endorsement of Duncan Hunter:
To base a primary vote on “electability” instead of ideas and principles seems to me a reduction of your rights via rationalization.
We are still in the early primary season. Duncan Hunter needs our help and our votes even if you must write-in his name!

A true American Patriot, Hunter proclaims:

"America is a great nation because America is a good nation.
God still loves this nation. We are still a people of character and strength and kindness.
And so with faith in God,
with confidence in the goodness of the American people,
let's win this race for the United States presidency."

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