Congressman John Shadegg Opts Not To Seek Re-Election
Congressman John Shadegg Opts Not To Seek Re-Election
There has been a rash of Republicans leaving Congress.
28 members of the House have or are leaving at the end of the year.
IL - Dennis Hastert (R) resigned on November 26,
LA - Bobby Jindal resigned to assume the office of Governor of LA
MS - Roger Wicker was appointed to the Senate on 12-07
AL - Terry Everett
AZ - John Shadegg
AZ - Rick Renzi
CA - John Doolittle
CA - Duncan Hunter: Retiring and ran for President
CO - Tom Tancredo: Retiring and ran for President
FL - Dave Weldon
IL - Jerry Weller = RMP
IL - Ray LaHood = RMP
KY - Ron Lewis
LA - Jim McCrery = RMP
LA - Richard Baker: Leaving in Feb. 08
MN - Jim Ramstad = RMP
MO - Kenny Hulshof: Running for Governor
MS - Chip Pickering
NM - Heather Wilson: Running for U.S. Senate = RMP
NM - Steve Pearce: Running for U.S. Senate
NJ - Jim Saxton = RMP
NJ - Mike Ferguson
NY - Jim Walsh = RMP
OH - Dave Hobson = RMP
OH - Deborah Pryce = RMP
OH - Ralph Regula = RMP
PA - John Peterson
VA - Tom Davis = RMP
WY - Barbara Cubin
Senate members leaving:
CO - Alan Wayne Allard on 1/15/07 announced retirement per 2 term agreement.
ID - Larry Craig retiring at end of term
NM - Pete Domenici retiring due to health issues
VA - John Warner won’t seek re-election. [YIPPEE!!!]
It is almost as if the republicans are setting the stage for the demonrats to get veto proof majorities in both chambers.
There has been a rash of Republicans leaving Congress.
28 members of the House have or are leaving at the end of the year.
IL - Dennis Hastert (R) resigned on November 26,
LA - Bobby Jindal resigned to assume the office of Governor of LA
MS - Roger Wicker was appointed to the Senate on 12-07
AL - Terry Everett
AZ - John Shadegg
AZ - Rick Renzi
CA - John Doolittle
CA - Duncan Hunter: Retiring and ran for President
CO - Tom Tancredo: Retiring and ran for President
FL - Dave Weldon
IL - Jerry Weller = RMP
IL - Ray LaHood = RMP
KY - Ron Lewis
LA - Jim McCrery = RMP
LA - Richard Baker: Leaving in Feb. 08
MN - Jim Ramstad = RMP
MO - Kenny Hulshof: Running for Governor
MS - Chip Pickering
NM - Heather Wilson: Running for U.S. Senate = RMP
NM - Steve Pearce: Running for U.S. Senate
NJ - Jim Saxton = RMP
NJ - Mike Ferguson
NY - Jim Walsh = RMP
OH - Dave Hobson = RMP
OH - Deborah Pryce = RMP
OH - Ralph Regula = RMP
PA - John Peterson
VA - Tom Davis = RMP
WY - Barbara Cubin
Senate members leaving:
CO - Alan Wayne Allard on 1/15/07 announced retirement per 2 term agreement.
ID - Larry Craig retiring at end of term
NM - Pete Domenici retiring due to health issues
VA - John Warner won’t seek re-election. [YIPPEE!!!]
It is almost as if the republicans are setting the stage for the demonrats to get veto proof majorities in both chambers.
NOTE: RMP = Republican Mainstreet Partnership
John McCain's RINO organization to thwart conservatives
Labels: CONgress, democrats, Election 2008, Elections, Republicans
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