Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Congressman John Shadegg Opts Not To Seek Re-Election

Congressman John Shadegg Opts Not To Seek Re-Election

There has been a rash of Republicans leaving Congress.
28 members of the House have or are leaving at the end of the year.

IL - Dennis Hastert (R) resigned on November 26,
LA - Bobby Jindal resigned to assume the office of Governor of LA
MS - Roger Wicker was appointed to the Senate on 12-07
AL - Terry Everett
AZ - John Shadegg
AZ - Rick Renzi
CA - John Doolittle
CA - Duncan Hunter: Retiring and ran for President
CO - Tom Tancredo: Retiring and ran for President
FL - Dave Weldon
IL - Jerry Weller = RMP
IL - Ray LaHood = RMP
KY - Ron Lewis
LA - Jim McCrery = RMP
LA - Richard Baker: Leaving in Feb. 08
MN - Jim Ramstad = RMP
MO - Kenny Hulshof: Running for Governor
MS - Chip Pickering
NM - Heather Wilson: Running for U.S. Senate = RMP
NM - Steve Pearce: Running for U.S. Senate
NJ - Jim Saxton = RMP
NJ - Mike Ferguson
NY - Jim Walsh = RMP
OH - Dave Hobson = RMP
OH - Deborah Pryce = RMP
OH - Ralph Regula = RMP
PA - John Peterson
VA - Tom Davis = RMP
WY - Barbara Cubin

Senate members leaving:
CO - Alan Wayne Allard on 1/15/07 announced retirement per 2 term agreement.
ID - Larry Craig retiring at end of term
NM - Pete Domenici retiring due to health issues
VA - John Warner won’t seek re-election. [YIPPEE!!!]

It is almost as if the republicans are setting the stage for the demonrats to get veto proof majorities in both chambers.

NOTE: RMP = Republican Mainstreet Partnership

John McCain's RINO organization to thwart conservatives

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