Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Thursday, February 16, 2012



As close as I can discern, I wrote this last spring, sometime between March and April. Of course Mr. West decided not to run for president and allowed himself to be redistricted out of and into another district where the demonrats are hoping he will lose. He also has made more than one questionable vote, but his YES vote for The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012 was a doozy. Frankly, I haven’t bothered to search for his reasoning on that vote as I can see no possible explanation that would make it acceptable.

Mr. West said he wanted to prove himself as a capable legislator and a political leader -- and even as a statesman. If voting to allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens to be codified into law is the path he plans on using to prove these things, then we should all breathe a sigh of relief and thank him for his service and move on. Although I understood his explanation and logic upon joining the racist Congressional Black Caucus, having a seat at the table during their convention -- while the black version of the KKK attacked whites -- really does not elevate him to statesman in my eyes. You can watch the exchange here:

Whatever...I’ve about given up on our country and anyone with the power and moxie to save her. He was a beautiful dream while he lasted.

The case for Congressman LTC Allen West for President in 2012

In his own words:
“The American People are looking for leadership.”

This is a true statement. “We the People” are indeed looking for leadership and we believe YOU are just the person we need to provide the leadership we so desperately need at this particular time in our history.

LTC West has also stated:
“Part of my conviction is telling the truth.”

Again, this is a statement that “We the People” wholeheartedly agree with. There is no truth in the current regime, the Supreme Court, or with the members of Congress, with the possible exception of the newly elected members, who have yet to prove themselves as liars or folks of conviction & truth.

In the video linked below, Allen West said:

“The most important place for me to be right now is in the US House of Representatives. That is the people’s house. That is where all laws emanate from and return back to for ultimate approval.”

While I find it extremely admirable that you feel that way about the position you currently hold, have you checked the polls in regard to congress lately? According to the recent Rassmussen poll only 9% of likely voters polled give congress an excellent or good rating.

Yes, you and your supporters worked very hard to send you to DC as a representative for Florida’s CD-22 and thus far you appear to be doing a fabulous job and you should all be very proud. I trust you have also learned that while those laws are being written and approved there is a heck of a lot of back room deals, bribes and outright threats taking place as the House conspires to control the masses and force their will, and that of a slew of special interest groups, onto “We the People.”

“That’s the most important know... folks, let’s be honest, let’s not fall into this cult of personality stuff.”

cult of personality; noun
1. a cult promoting adulation of a living national leader or public figure,
as one encouraged by Stalin [or Barack Hussein Obama] to extend his power.
2. intense devotion to a particular person

Not quite sure how to defuse this statement other than to say, with all due respect, that we are not so devoted to you the person, as to your attributes.

“You tell me how I’ve proven myself. I haven’t proven myself as a capable legislator. I haven’t proven myself as a political leader. I haven’t proven myself as a statesman. You know…I’ve got to have the opportunity to grow and to prove myself. Give me the opportunity to really learn our political process and our political system.”

The video referenced above ended with these words:

And folks, If it be His will, it will be taken care of…alright?

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