Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Thursday, February 16, 2012



It is difficult to wake up one day and realize that in spite of all odds you are the smartest person in the world. Over the past several years it has been my habit to fire up the computer and scan the headlines, while drinking my first pot of coffee, reading articles of interest. What I have found lately – especially within the past six months – is that there is no real news. Articles which hold any interest or real zest are hard to find and require searching many numbers of individual websites. No longer is it possible to go to the Drudge Report or FreeRepublic to see a conglomeration of the news for the day. In desperation I have actually reduced myself to checking Yahoo headlines.

Oh, there are plenty of keystrokes and bandwidth being utilized to be sure, but little of any real substance in regards to the latest outrage of the day. There are few hard hitting essays expressed by free-thinking authors who have duly researched their subject matter, who are also willing to have them published, unafraid of the consequences. It has become a Herculean task to find them, dancing from site to site, as you must also have at least a modicum of knowledge as to what sites actually allow truth – as opposed to pure propaganda – to be posted on their sites.

And so it is I have begun to find articles that at least skirt the real dilemmas we face as a nation today. However, they are constructed to be politically correct and hide the true meaning of much that is said. For instance; a myriad of words are used to replace the one word that would sum up in a neat package what many are trying to say… communism/communist would be one such word. Another would be Enemedia as opposed to mainstream media, as there is nothing mainstream about the dreck being spread by the enemies of America and the truth. My biggest pet peeve, however, is the use of the word “president” when referring to that illegal, ineligible, unconstitutional, prevaricating, traitorous SOB currently soiling the People’s House in Washington, DC. Usurper is the word to best describe that plight on America. It is beyond repulsive to me to see “it” being referred to as President of the United States of America…which he is not.

This finally brings me back to my sheer genius…my prescience if you will. More than 1121 days have passed since I ranted to anyone who would listen that we would be thrown into a Constitutional crisis of monumental proportions if we allowed that traitor to be installed into the Oval office. On numerous occasions I have stated that the installation of this no one from nowhere would be the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the people and the United States of America. As I vociferated in respect to the damage he would do to our country and our people many began to avoid me, thinking perhaps I had gone too far. Lo and behold, more than three years later, I am seeing others refer to his deliberate destruction of America reducing her and her citizens to little more than that of third world status.

The admonition to wake up and observe the destruction and continuing attacks on our country and culture has finally gone viral. My response has been one of cognitive dissonance. Having been tied up in knots for four years as I rode around the internet as Paul Revere warning the communists are coming, the communists are coming has left me a bit too exhausted to react with much more than snicker that the sheeple have finally taken note of what little more than a few of us have been screaming since this fraud arrived on the scene.

What is truly troublesome is that it has taken nearly four years for the alleged conservative, alternative media to begin sounding the alarms. This is absurd when one considers the bastard told us exactly what he intended to do, BEFORE he was ensconced in the White House. What was so difficult to understand when he said:

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face." “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun”

"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you will join with me as we try to change it."

"We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America"

"I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems, I will not weaponize space... I will slow development of future combat systems I will institute a 'Defense Priorities Board' to ensure the quadrennial defense review is not used ..."

Now that it has become crystal clear, even to the self imposed deaf, dumb and blind among us, that he really did mean what he said, a few are beginning to get nervous.

Sadly, they are still not addressing the rudimentary cause of the situation. Steve Dunham / Barry Dunham / Bari Shabazz / Barry Soetoro / Barack Hussein Obama-Suebarkah-X or whoever and whatever he is, is NOT constitutionally eligible to serve as President of the United States of America. Therefore, he is NOT a legal president, consequently he needs to be removed NOW and everything he has done made null and void. Currently this may be done somewhat peacefully. If he is once again permitted to appear on the voting ballot later this year, with the massive amount of voter fraud now being admitted to, he will win and America will be pronounced dead. This is not hyperbole, but merely statement of fact.

Generally I am not prone to self-aggrandizing, but when it come to this fraud in the White House and what he has done -- and continues to do unabated – combined with the repercussions it has caused … I am indeed a freeking genius as one of the few who stated years ago most of the stances some are now adopting as we approach the hour of no return.

by Shell

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