Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Friday, March 30, 2012



“Departure and return ... if you don’t leave, you can’t come back,
because you’ve never left.”

Sadly, he has returned. It has not ceased to amaze me that the Newt supporters continue to try and sell this has been moderate as a bona fide “conservative” and the only “viable” candidate to beat the usurper.

NEWT the environMENTAList:

Newt and Nancy sitting on a couch -- K.I.S.S.I.N.G. Oh gag me!

Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich Commercial on Climate Change
This ad is part of the "We Can Solve It"
global warming ad campaign sponsored by
Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection. April 2008

"It is no secret that Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich
don't always see eye to eye, but
they do agree that on the issue of climate change,
we must take action now.
Please join more than one million others who know it will take all of us coming together to solve the climate crisis."

When asked about the ad during an appearance on WGIR radio in New Hampshire on Jul 26, 2011 he replied (via The Hill):

“I was trying to make a point that we shouldn't be afraid to debate the left, even on the environment, but obviously it was misconstrued, and it's probably one of those things I wouldn't do again.”

Let me tell you something Mr. Brilliant Ph.D man … we are not so stupid and ignorant that we cannot understand simple English. Your “point” was taken just as it was meant. There was no debate to “misconstrue” you moron. You have a long history of being an environMENTAList.

[For other stories on this “thing” he wouldn’t do again see the urls below]

Lest any of us forget, the couch incident with Pelousy was not the first time he publicly declared his undying support for the fraudulent gloBULL warming scam. Just one year earlier, in April 2007, there was to be a much touted “debate” between the Newtster and John Eff’n Kerry. I was excited for the debate and anxiously awaited the Newt slapdown of that arrogant Kerry person. Imagine my dismay when the Newtster folded like a cheap suit before the “debate” had even begun. What offends me is the fact he allowed that smug slime ball Dana Milbank a golden opportunity to mock the GOP, President Bush and Conservatives in general.

Gingrich drops skepticism on global warming
But he and Kerry differ on solutions
Alan Wirzbicki Globe Correspondent / April 11, 2007
WASHINGTON -- In a Capitol Hill debate about global warming touted by its moderator as a "smackdown" between former House speaker Newt Gingrich and Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, Gingrich praised Kerry's recently released book about environmentalism, acknowledged that global warming is real, and offered what amounted to an unexpected apology for his party's inaction on curtailing greenhouse gas ...

Kerry and Gingrich Hugging Trees--and (Almost) Each Other  
By Dana Milbank Wednesday, April 11, 2007
But Gingrich, weighing a long-shot presidential run, is unpredictable. He proved that by meeting with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to discuss common ground on health care, and yesterday it was Kerry's turn to be surprised when Gingrich preemptively distanced himself from President Bush on global warming. "I agree entirely with whatever criticism the senator wants to make in general about the absence of American leadership," he said.

Of course Newt’s pro gloBULL warming stance is not new, but is simply part of who he is. Per Wikipedia: In 1970, Gingrich joined the history department at West Georgia College as an assistant professor. In 1974 he moved to the geography department and was instrumental in establishing an interdisciplinary environmental studies program.

Let’s focus on that last sentence for a bit. Exactly what is interdisciplinary environmental studies? You can see for yourself simply by scrolling through this website, the first one I pulled up.

If you know the keywords to watch for you will understand my trepidation about Newt.  Look for the words advocacy, sustainability, land use, environmental regulation, habitat restoration and land conservation.

What this proves to me is that Newt is saying whatever he needs to say to gain the confidence of the conservative base, who generally reject the insanity of the environmentalists, who are now far more than just globull warming nuts.

Old Newt Greenrich also co-sponsored legislation, titled the Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989 (H.R. 1078) which had 144 co-sponsors, the majority of which were the likes of Pelosi, Boxer, Frank and Conyers. There were only 25 Republican co-sponsors, which included Greenrich.

SUMMARY AS OF: 2/22/1989--Introduced.

Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989 - Establishes as national goals: (1) that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere be reduced from 1988 levels by at least 20 percent by the year 2000 through a mix of Federal and State energy policies; and (2) the establishment of an International Global Agreement on the Atmosphere by 1992. Requires the Secretary of Energy (the Secretary) and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to report to the Congress within two years regarding whether a higher level of carbon dioxide emissions reduction is desirable after 2000, together with any necessary policy actions and their costs and benefits.

Title XI: World Population Growth - Declares it is the policy of the United States that family planning services should be made available to all persons requesting them. Authorizes appropriations for FY 1991 through 1995 for international population and family planning assistance. Prohibits the use of such funds for: (1) involuntary sterilization or abortion; or (2) the coercion of any person to accept family planning services.

Requests the President to initiate an international conference on population, and to seek an international agreement on population growth. Establishes a National Commission on Population, Environment, and Natural Resources to prepare reports and convene conferences. Terminates such Commission three years after the enactment of this Act.

Mandates that multilateral development banks adopt guidelines promoting lending strategies which emphasize the maintenance of sustainable world population levels. Authorizes appropriations for FY 1991 through 1993

Of course the Greenrich of today, says he opposes such a policy and that he supported only a small part of the legislation that promoted hydrogen energy research...all while being a co-sponsor. Can you say “weasel words” boys and girls? I think you can!

There are some real beauts contained in this monstrosity, which anyone who cares about what these people are doing to us and our country should do at least a quick perusal of this attack on freedom.

Marc Morano has done a brilliant job exposing Newt Gingrich in this wonderful Climate Depot Editorial.

For your reading enjoyment and edification, you may also want to carefully read this transcript from an online discussion with Newt on Monday, April 21, 2008 as the author of "A Contract With the Earth," working to find a common commitment to environmental stewardship and bipartisan solutions for global warming and other critical problems.

NEWT GREENRICH'S VOTING RECORD -- In regards to gloBULL warming:

01/30/2011 - He lobbied for ethanol subsidies.
01/30/2011 - He suggested that flex-fuel vehicles be mandated for Americans.
02/15/2011 - His book said that he believes man-made climate-change and advocated creating "a new endowment for conservation and the environment."
04/25/2011 - He's a paid lobbyist for Federal ethanol subsidies.
- Gingrich voted for an oil windfall profits tax in 1979, which was signed by Jimmy Carter.
- Gingrich voted for Jimmy Carter’s “Energy Mobilization Board.”
- Gingrich voted for an increase in taxes on coal producers in 1981
- Gingrich voted for a 5-cent increase in the gas tax to fund highway and other mass-transit projects.

Thanks for playing Newtie Newt, but I’ll take a pass like the vast majority of primary voters are already doing. Buh-Bye Mr. GREENrich! Time to enjoy life and get out of politics.

[This post was written and submitted by Shell, but we were unable to get it to post under that name for some reason.]

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