Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


I will begin my blogging adventure with one item that has been on my mind - Politicians!

Politicians are employees of the citizens of the United States of America. They are elected by said citizens to represent their best interests and the best interests of our country. Somewhere along the way these employees have come to believe they are triumphant rulers over the mindless masses that inhabit their space and owe them their full allegiance and honor.

And the American people sleep.

Our employees give themselves hefty raises and benefit packages that ninety-eight percent of Americans can not even dream of. Then, they have the unmitigated gaul to rob their of the money to pay for the salaries and benefits they decided to give themselves. All the while slapping each other on the back in congratulatory adulation for the great job they are doing "for the American people."

And the American people sleep.

These illustrious employees get together behind closed doors in smoky back rooms (yes they are still permitted to smoke even though they have made laws against smoking for the or at fancy cocktail/dinner parties in their sweet little tuxes and ball gowns that the paid for, or private little soirees in the Swiss Alps to come up with ways to bamboozle those silly little out of their money, their rights and their country.

And the American people sleep.

These audacious employees gather together with a teenie weenie segment of the population and decide that they have more rights than the overwhelming majority of the and bequeath to them all manner of access to jobs, money, housing, food, healthcare and protection. All this comes at the expense of the, of course.

And the American people sleep.

The employees strike up deals with foreign agents to sell the United States of America, one piece at a time, to said foreigners, with nary a consent from the that hired them. If a bargain can not be reached to sell our country, they make a side deal to import foreign agents in vast quantities. Soon there are enough of them to demand a piece of the United States of America.

And the American people sleep.

Our employees are a cunning lot. They passed a constitutional amendment to remove the right of American people to vote for a President more than twice. I have yet to see an amendment or even a law, that requires these weasels to step down after a certain time frame. Oh yes, they can, and should be voted out.....

but the American people are asleep.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The time has come to try this blogging thingy.

My thoughts can certainly be no more inane than what I read and hear from the media.

There will be no fancy chatter and uppity attitudes or platitudes. No words that require a dictionary or PhD will be used. All that nonsense is for the "enlightened intellectuals" that relentlessly pursue our minds with the intention of turning us into peanut butter to be spread as they see fit to conceal the holes in their logic, and more dangerously, their intentions.

Hopefully, we will be able to keep things down to earth where common sense prevails. I have become increasingly loathsome of the talking heads in the media and the political class. It is beyond time that the Peanut Gallery be heard and heard loud and clear.