Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Brian Baird and Marine Corps Vet, David Hedrick

This is a most powerful, must see video!

I have transcribed the exchange for added clarity.
Please distribute this video far and wide! It went viral within 24 hours and we need to see and hear Mr. Hedrick on all TV and Radio stations.

My name is David and I’m from Camas, Washington.
First of all I want to let everybody know, since this is the thing tonight, that I am a Marine Corps vet. And like you, I did swear an oath to defend my Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Now I heard you say tonight about educating our children - indoctrinating our children, whatever you want to call it.
[I didn’t say indoctrinating.]
STAY away from my kids.

I also heard you say you are going to let us keep our health insurance. Well THANK YOU. It’s not your right to decide whether or not I keep my current plan or not. That’s MY decision.

Now I’ve heard recently in the media, you and some other people on the national political stage call us brown shirts because we have …..
[No I did not…no I did not. (crowd begins rumbling correcting him)
What I said was … and I’ve apologized for it.]

OK, well thanks for apologizing, but let…I won’t speak to you then I’ll speak to others.

But I’ll remind you -- a little history lesson. The Nazis were the National Socialist Party. They were leftists.
They took over the finances. They took over the car industry. They took over healthcare in that country.
If Nancy Pelosi wants to find a swastika, maybe the first place she should look is the sleeve of her own arm. [crowd goes wild cheering]

Now what I want to know is, you’ve done a lot of things that violates your Constitutional oath, as you know. What I want to know is, as a Marine, as a disabled veteran that served this country, I’ve kept my oath -- do you EVER intend to keep yours?
[crowd gives him a standing ovation while cheering wildly]

A little research turned up Bairds comments that Mr. Hedrick referred to.
Please note he first denied saying them, but then said he apologized for it.
Why apologize for something you never said. Liar!

8-7-09: Baird compares his constituents behavior to Nazi-era adherents

8-10-09: Baird said Republican leaders were “egging on” and were reminiscent of the kinds of things that drove Timothy McVeigh to bomb the Murrah Building in 1995.

8-12-09: Baird says he was wrong to use the words “lynch mob mentality” and “close to brown shirt tactics”

UPDATE: 8-24-09
HotAir Pundit reports --
Marine Corps Veteran Who Blasted The Congressman Appears On Fox And Friends

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