Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Death of the GOP and the Birth of a New Political Party

Alexander J. Madison – January 29, 2008

Fellow citizens,

I was holding out hope that we could save the Republican Party from its slow, deliberate and painful march towards irrelevance. But with the only Reaganite in the primary election, Duncan Hunter, dropping out this past weekend, and Tom Tancredo long gone after being pilloried by the GOP cheerleaders on ‘conservative’ talk radio, and Fred Thompson, the only other reasonably traditional conservative, unable to get the necessary traction for a competitive race against the moderates, it is time to cut our losses and let the collapse take its natural course.

The GOP, the RNC and their mouthpieces in the conservative media have alternately argued that Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and John McCain are upstanding conservatives worthy of support. Despite each having undeniable careers as moderate to liberal politicians, a sampling of arguments have been made recently in said media that Mr. Giuliani would be good for the pro-life movement, that Mr. Romney’s record in Massachusetts was a model of conservative governance, and that Mr. McCain does not support amnesty. All demonstrably false. And each man a demonstrable prevaricator in his current claims.

There are plenty of other 3rd parties in existence, but none that adhere to the unparalleled wisdom of what our Founders laid out in the constitution, coupled with the policies that, in times past, made the GOP great: The party of life, liberty, limited government, sovereignty, low taxes, and military might. In forming a new party, I have no intention of creating a refuge for fringe thinkers, disgruntled defeatists, vengeful has-beens, or self pitying 'victims'.


So today, I propose a new party, the party of Fealty to America, Liberty, Conservatism, Optimism and Nobility – FALCON. A party whose ‘Rendezvous with Destiny’ will result in the preservation of this greatest beacon of freedom in the history of nations. A party that will stay true to the intent of the founders and the magnificent and inspired documents they produced.


May God Bless the United States of America, now and forever.

-- Click on the title to read the entire article. --

Mr. Madison's writing and views have always appealed to me.
This idea is certainly worth consideration, since I no longer have a party.

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Quote of the day

“I’ll do all I can to ensure a democrat ...

a republican wins in November."

Said former Republican National Committee chairman Senator Mel Martinez to Alan Colmes on Faux News last night, January 29, 2008.

(NOTE the smirk on his face following the faux pas.)

Martinez served as the 12th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from January 24, 2001 – December 13, 2003.

Martinez resigned his cabinet post on December 12, 2003 to run for the open U.S. Senate seat in Florida being vacated by retiring Democrat Senator Bob Graham. Martinez secured the Republican nomination and narrowly defeated the Democrat nominee.

Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.), served as General Chairman of the Republican Party from November, 2006 until October 19, 2007.

He announced he was resigning as Chairman of the Republican National Committee on October 19, 2007.

And folks think I am nuts when I say the Republicans are working in conjunction with the Democrats to elect a democrat president and to keep the CONgress in the democrat majority.

Laugh all you want...Here it is in bold color and resounding words!

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Duncan Hunter Endorses Mike Huckabee


Hearing this news via a phone call as I was on my way home this evening was more of a shock than Hunter's withdrawal last Saturday night.

I thought it was a crank call...a lying sleazy...vicious...mean prank.

Clearly, I was wrong. Sadly, this nightmare appears to be true.

Off to be sick for awhile.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

*---* BREAKING NEWS *---*

Statement from Sen. Fred Thompson

McLean, VA - Senator Fred Thompson today issued the following statement about his campaign for President: "Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people."


Congratulations to Fred Thompson on a job well done.

Duncan Hunter = Gone!
Tancredo = Gone!
Brownback = Gone!



Fred Thompson in Trouble: Are All Other Republicans as Well?

Dissection and comment on this article by JB Williams from Jan 21, 2008 is certainly warranted, as he continues to perpetuate the lies on the mystical Fred Thompson candidacy. Mr. Williams wastes no time in getting straight to the point, however, he may have inadvertently pronounced the truth in his opening lines, albeit by crafty word placement.

-- Fred Thompson was drafted by the conservative base of the Republican Party for two very simple reasons. One, the Republican National Committee offered no other viable conservative choice and two, only a true traditional conservative can challenge today's Democratic Socialists. --

First let's address the second sentence with its carefully placed modifiers.
1. ...the Republican National Committee offered no other viable conservative choice...

Translation: The RNC would not support an actual conservative so they concocted the "viable" meme to feed the sheep, by force if necessary.
To whom are we obliged for this definition of viable. I recall reading articles in early December 2006 about Congressman Hunter and his intention to run for the presidency and the adjectives being used were dark horse, long shot, and of course, viable, preceded by not, remained firmly in place and part of the equation until he ended the campaign a few days ago. It was tiresome two years prior to the election and became downright annoying as time went by.

To continue --
2. …only a “true traditional conservative” can challenge today's Democratic Socialists.

Translation: We are so dizzy with the spinning we have been doing that we are fresh out of arguments, so we will now simply dazzle you with bullshit.

How can one possibly argue with that sentence? The original definition of conservative has been bastardized to the point where a simple conservative could not find their way out of a paper bag. Therefore, they must be not only a “conservative“, but a “true” one at that. But wait, there is more…they are now required to be “traditional” in their “true” act of being a “conservative” all the while continuing to remain “viable.”

Now for the first sentence of this literary masterpiece:
-- Fred Thompson was drafted by the conservative base of the Republican Party for two very simple reasons. --

No Mr. Williams, it was not the “conservative base” that “drafted old Fred, it was the jack booted thugs of the Republican party, aka the Party Faithful Squadron.

The RNC intends to merge the United States with Mexico and Canada, forming the North American Union, and the ignorant masses are not about to stop them. After the crushing defeat of the Amnesty Shamnesty bill last summer, the conservative base wanted an actual bona fide conservative, who values his country and its sovereignty. This simply could not be permitted!

With that, the party faithful jumped into action with the farcical draft plan for the great conciliator, Fred Thompson. With his minimal experience and miniscule senate record, Fred was a likely choice with his "aw shucks" demeanor and great acting skills. Who would dare cross the originator of the most egregious anti-free speech laws in our country? Add the fact he spent his entire senate career in the Senate Centrist Coalition, and he was the perfect candidate to derail those that were undesirable to the "party" and their ultimate goals.

While conservative Congressmen Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo and Senator Sam Brownback were legitimately in the race beating the campaign trail, these dark forces were working in the shadows to "draft" a so-called "conservative" to dispose of them. They spent more months promoting and campaigning for "their" candidate than said candidate actually spent in the race. Hopefully this small band of party faithful are still trying to make the room slow down from all the spinning they took part in the past 10 or so months.

Wow, you have got to love this one:
-- He was asked to put his personal life on hold, and answer the call to serve his fellow conservatives in desperate need of real conservative leadership. --

Using “real conservative leadership” in the same sentence with Fred Thompson is an oxymoron. It would appear no one was interested in scrutinizing Fred’s actual senate record. I must admit it is quite tedious scrolling through all the nonsense at the Library of Congress website and highly recommend it for insomnia. However, Fred’s record does not inspire thoughts of leadership and certainly not that of a “real conservative.”

No where in this article does JB, I hope I can call him that after all the time I have spent on his article, show his abject ignorance more than in this little quip:

-- No conservative including Thompson, had any chance of winning in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan or Nevada, all heavily liberal, which delivered three different winners in four primaries. --

If Iowa and Nevada are heavily liberal, then New Hampshire must be heavily conservative and Michigan must be conservative leaning. Do these so-called journalists do any research? Do they think the sheeple will simply drink their bilge with no thought or research into the subject? JB, may also take note of the fact that 2 of those 3 winners are the religion candidates, which many equate with conservative principles.

Yes, there is more:
-- NO Republican can win in November without the support of the Republican base of the party. And none of the new front-runners, McCain, Romney, or Huckabee will enter November with the base of their party intact. --

I guess this all depends to which base JB is referring. It would now seem likely the Republican base and the Conservative base are two different bases situated at opposite ends of the spectrum.

-- Thompson is the only Republican candidate who can bring all Republicans into the voting booth in November, yet too many Republicans choose to ignore this reality. --

(From here on I will be writing in the past tense, after learning Fred has quit the race.)

I could not disagree with this statement more if I tried. Fred was the establishment candidate. He was their compromise candidate. He was their stealth candidate. He was the spoiler candidate for the actual “true traditional conservative” candidates. His reputation was a myth and few fell for his unconvincing performance despite the rave reviews you and those like you continued to give him. Organizations like the Right to Life and NumbersUSA, to name but two, the so-called conservative alternative media sources and pundits prostituted themselves, losing all credibility, for this whimsical, faux candidate.

-- Conservatives understand that America has exactly the government it deserves at all times, as it always has the government it elected. Before the government can change, the people who elect it must change. --

Before any further comment on this, let me just quote our old buddy, Uncle Joe Stalin:

“It is enough that the people know there was an election.
The people who cast the votes decide nothing.
The people who count the votes decide everything.”

-- If Republicans are not yet ready to nominate a conservative, then the nation can not elect a conservative. --

Approximately 1.6 million people have voted thus far in only 6 states. To be calling the primary election now and surrendering the general election over 9 months out, is a bit more defeatism than I can take at this stage of the game. Stop repeating the lie.

-- Republicans are well on their way to plotting their own defeat in November and there is nothing anyone can do to stop them. Thompson has been telling it exactly as it is, but only core conservatives are listening. --

There is no arguing the first part, albeit the Kennedy Wing of globalist elite from the Republican Party. I will take great exception with the latter.

Fred has said nothing of great value and talked in circles more than anything else. There was a voice calling out from the wilderness however, and he was completely blacked out.

Pravda-USA and the rest of the Enemedia have taken over the primary election cycle with the complicity of the Party and no resistance from the people. I suspect the Party is behind a great deal of the repeated misinformation. As Lenin said;

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

Where lies would not be tolerated, with respect to Duncan Hunter, the communist playbook called for ignore-ignore-ignore, followed by deny-deny-deny. Worked like a charm. Another great quote from Uncle Joe is apropos:

"Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party."

-- There’s nothing left to do, but to allow all other Republican learn the hard way. The Republican Party is either America’s conservative party, or it is an obsolete unnecessary evil. Republican voters are choosing to make it the latter. --

Me thinks thou doest surrender too quickly and with no fight whatsoever! That is disturbing and I pray the American people, if they ever wake the heck up, will not lay down as quickly and quietly as you did.

I do believe the verdict is in on the Republican Party…it is no longer America’s conservative party, therefore it is an obsolete unnecessary evil.

However, Republican voters have chosen nothing as of yet. Only 5 states have actually allowed the people to vote and at least 2 of them, as I recall, have open primaries where cross-over voters may have had a huge effect on the outcome. Far too early to give up.

This election cycle has reached a new juncture that will hopefully take a new direction…to the RIGHT!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Guide to Voting

In selecting men for office,
let principle be your guide.

Regard not the particular sect or
denomination of the candidate,
look to his character.

The scriptures teach that rulers should be
men who rule in the fear of God,
able men, men of truth, hating covetousness.

It is to the neglect of this rule that we must ascribe
the multified frauds, breaches of trust,
and embezzlement of public property
which tarnish the character of our country
and disgrace government.

When a citizen gives his vote to
a man of known immorality,
he abuses his civic responsibility,

he sacrifices not only his interest,
but that of is neighbor;
he betrays the interest of his country.

Noah Webster, 1823

What amazing insight Mr. Webster posessed 185 years ago. It is as if he was peering at us through a crystal ball when he penned these words that are so pertinent to all elections, I suppose. They simply seem perfect for this election in particular.

Congressman Duncan Hunter will have my vote in my state primary and in the general election in November 2008.

My God, my conscience and my honor will allow nothing less.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fox News Is Skewing Early GOP Primaries

This just in from Bar of Integrity:

Fox News Is Skewing Early GOP Primaries
Posted by CalperniaUSA at 1/10/2008 12:17 PM and is filed under Hunters Rangers

- excerpt -

So where is Fox News getting their poll data from? If you go to their website, Duncan Hunter is not even listed as a candidate. Furthermore, Fox News is drawing their consolidated poll data from Real Clear Politics, an online clearinghouse for dozens of polls. According to Real Clear Politics, he doesn’t exist. He is nowhere in their polling data – they are not even tracking him!

Be sure to read the entire article for some eye opening information!

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Duncan Hunter Says "Nuts"

It was never my intention to use the writings of others, and certainly not anything put out by the ENEMEDIA, however, I found this blog post and felt it deserved the credit and exposure!

Thanks to News Which Cannot Lose and Congressman Duncan Hunter for making my day!

News Which Cannot Lose: Duncan Hunter Says "Nuts" To Those Who Demand His Surrender

Good for you Congressman Hunter! Thank you for staying in the race and giving the American people an honest conservative and a real choice !

You can learn more about the presidential campaign of Congressman Duncan Hunter at:

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Duncan Hunter and the New Year

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and my best wishes for a Happy New Year!

Now that the Christmas season has passed, it is time to get down to business! Wednesday [1-2-08] was a very sobering day as I attempted to listen to a couple of my favorite "conservative" talk radio hosts while perusing several "conservative" blogs and web sites. I was excited to have the hosts back at their microphones after most had taken a break over the holidays. To say I was highly disappointed would be a gross understatement.

One host was trying to sell the new improved Fred Thompson by calling him a conservative. He did this by cutting to shreds every other "viable" or "top tier" candidate. Not a thing wrong with that when it is deserved, but to slam one candidate for the anti-free speech legislation, aka McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform, while calling the original author of said debacle a conservative is simply beyond the pale.

In an article titled "Plain-Speaking" About McCain-Feingold-Thompson,by James Bopp, Jr. the history of the campaign finance reform bill is laid out in an orderly and easy to understand fashion.

Perma Link:

From the article:
In March 1998, the Thompson committee issued a Majority and Minority Report. Conservatives were profoundly disappointed..... A columnist for The Knoxville News-Sentinel wrote, "Senator Fred Thompson, fresh from his 1996 re-election by Tennesseans, soared into national fame with a big buildup over his prospects of using an investigation into campaign finance reform as a springboard for the presidency.

November 1, 1996
Washington, DC—Senator Fred Thompson today responded to President Clinton’s remarks in California on his support for campaign finance reform: “As a sponsor of the McCain-Feingold-Thompson Senate Campaign Reform Act,” Thompson said, “I welcome President Clinton’s endorsement of our legislation. It is unfortunate that it took a public outcry over campaign finance abuses to get the President’s full attention on the need for reform. We intend to reintroduce our bill when Congress convenes in January.”

Today Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Fred Thompson (R-TN) introduced the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 1997, a bill that bans soft money contributions; provides free and discounted TV time to candidates who voluntarily limit their spending; bans foreign contributions and restricts political action committees (PAC).

Building on his efforts to restore faith in the federal government, U.S. Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) today joined Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Russell Feingold (D-WI) and others to continue their push to enact campaign finance reform.

April 2, 2001
THOMPSON LAUDS PASSAGE OF McCAIN-FEINGOLD CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM LEGISLATION WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) today lauded Senate passage of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform legislation, which passed the Senate by a 59-41 vote.

FACT: Fred Thompson was an original sponsor of McCain-Feingold-Thompson. For whatever reason, perhaps his future candidacy for the presidency, he became a co-sponsor of the finished bill for which he voted.

FACT: The bill never would have been pushed through and passed without Thompson.
  • Fred Thompson received a formal letter from Russ Feingold thanking him for his tremendous support and hard work…from so many of his colleagues. The document also includes a hand written note on the side; “All kidding aside you were essential to our success from the outset!

FACT: He defended this heinous monstrosity during a court challenge in 2003

  • On August 5, 2003 Fred Thompson filed an Amicus Brief in support of defendants with the Supreme Court of the United States in Mitch McConnell, United States Senator, ET AL, v. Federal Election Commission, ET AL. Nos. 02-1684 et al.

To try and sell this man as "the true conservative" or the "only conservative" in the Republican Presidential Campaign is disingenuous at best or an outright lie to mislead the masses. There was a time I would not have believed that the leaders of the conservative movement could or would stoop so low.

Criticism and vitriolic rants are leveled against John McCain every time this anti-free speech law is mentioned, as it should be, but nary a harsh word is ever directed toward Fred Thompson.

Fool me once, and all that!



Congressman Duncan Hunter is the ONLY conservative running for president in 2008. Make no mistake about that!

Some will try and sell you a bill of goods on the other "republicans," but be not deceived. When records are compared there is ONLY ONE left standing...Duncan Hunter!

I have and will continue to contribute to Duncan Hunter's presidential campaign! I have and will continue to volunteer for Duncan Hunter! I will canvas for Duncan Hunter. I have and will make phone calls for Duncan Hunter! I WILL vote for Duncan Hunter in the primary and general elections even if I am forced to do a write-in.

Why you ask? Because.....

Duncan Hunter is unapologeticly right on every issue.

He knows who he is and is comfortable in his own skin. He feels no need to contort himself into something that is more acceptable to others while betraying his own sense of self, his integrity or his God. He quietly, almost methodically, performs his duty to the best of his ability without seeking rock star status for himself. He actually sees himself as a humble servant of "we the people" -- a trait that is refreshing to find in that cesspool known as Washington, DC.

The most important reason I endorse Congressman Duncan Hunter for President can be made into a book or summed up in one sentence:


He is consistently pro-life

He is pro-family and traditional American values

He is pro-Military

He is pro-strong national defense

He is pro-second amendment rights

He is pro-American

He believes in FAIR trade: Not selling our country to the highest bidder, ceding our national sovereignty to another country or power in the name of FREE trade. Trade like that is only free to the other guy and has run our trade deficit up to 800 billion dollars.

Duncan Hunter is a classic Republican and a true conservative.

The Republican Party’s 2004 platform addressed the major issues facing America in the first decade of the 21st century:

Winning the War on Terror …
because our government’s most solemn duty is to keep its citizens safe.

Ushering in an Ownership Era …
because a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit will keep our economy strong and provide more opportunities for workers and families.

Building an Innovative Economy to Compete in the World …
because America can compete with anyone, anywhere, thanks to our entrepreneurs and risk-takers who keep us on the cutting edge of technology and commerce.

Strengthening Our Communities …
because our children deserve to grow up in an America in which all their hopes and dreams can come true.

Protecting Our Families …
because we respect the family’s role as a touchstone of stability and strength in an everchanging world.

This platform makes clear that the American people will have a choice. A choice between strength and uncertainty.
A choice between results and rhetoric.
A choice between optimism and pessimism.
A choice between opportunity and dependence.
A choice between freedom and fear.
And a choice between moving forward and turning back.

The 2004 Republican Party Platform makes clear:
We choose strength.
We choose results.
We choose optimism.
We choose opportunity.
We choose freedom.

My best guess is that we will see a drastic change to that platform at the 2008 convention with globalist elites and their socialist/communist media complex friends in full control.

The President’s most solemn duty is to protect our country.

There are none more capable nor more qualified to lead our country as Commander-in-Chief than Duncan Hunter! He is a decorated Army Ranger Vietnam veteran, having served two tours of duty in country. His son is a Captain in the United States Marine Corps and has served three tours in the current War on Terror; two in Iraq, including the battle for Fallujah and returned home from Afghanistan this past Thanksgiving day. He has served on the powerful House Armed Services Committee for the past 27 years, including chairman when the republicans had control of the House. He has an up close and personal view of the war and the threats we continue to face.

He has the best all around ratings of anyone in Congress:

Americans for Better Immigration: A+

Eagle Forum: 100%

Christian Coalition: 100%

Family Research Council Action: 100%

Campaign for Working Families: 100%

Concerned Women for America: 100%

National Right to Life Committee: 100%

Federation for American Immigration Reform: 100%

National Federation of Independent Business: 100%

Gun Owners of America: A Read GOA article here A (the ONLY A) See their endorsement here

American Conservative Union: 92%

Americans for Tax Reform: 88.5% (lifetime-recent was 100%)

National Tax Limitation Committee: 88

National Taxpayers Union: B

ACLU: 7% (indicates very conservative)

NARAL: 0% (indicates a pro-life record)

There is NO REASON not to support Duncan Hunter for President!

Congressman Duncan Hunter for President!!!

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