Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Clinton would seek to try 9/11 plotters in established courts

What a disgusting turn of events in which I find myself saying, "Why are you blaming Hillary?" At the very least, give a balanced assessment on the 3 crowned princes.

Let us not forget, McCain has called for the closing of Guantanamo Bay and bringing the terrorists to prisons in the USA. Nevermind the legal rights that would be given to the enemy would be the same rights of any US citizen. How does this make him better than Hillary?

USA Today

You Tube Video

From a March 19, 2007 article:
But Sen McCain has also consistently criticised the handling of the war by the Bush administration, and has led efforts in the Senate to end torture and extrajudicial treatment of terror suspects.

- Sen McCain outlined a series of measures to roll back Bush policies and counter the "ugly American" image.

"I would immediately close Guantanamo Bay, move all the prisoners to Fort Leavenworth (an army base in Kansas) and truly expedite the judicial proceedings in their cases," he said.


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