Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Perhaps Scott McClellan should have thought about Sir Walter Scott's words before "writing" a tell all book about the Bush White House.

The publisher of Scotty's book is --
Perseus Books Group.
Perseus Books Group was founded by millionaire investor Frank Pearl when he decided to establish an independent publisher that would focus on the publication of serious nonfiction.

Frank Pearl and George Soros are connected via Perseus-Soros Partners, LLC.
Perseus-Soros Partners, LLC is the general partner of the Perseus-Soros BioPharmaceutical Fund, LP.
Perseus BioTech Fund Partners, LLC and SFM Participation, L.P. are the managing members of Perseus-Soros Partners, LLC.
Perseuspur, LLC is the managing member of Perseus BioTech Fund Partners, LLC. Frank Pearl is the sole member of Perseuspur, LLC and in such capacity may be deemed a beneficial owner of securities held for the account of the Perseus-Soros BioPharmaceutical Fund, LP.

SFM AH, LLC is the general partner of SFM Participation, L.P. The sole managing member of SFM AH, LLC is Soros Fund Management LLC. George Soros is the Chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC and in such capacity may be deemed a beneficial owner of securities held for the account of the Perseus-Soros BioPharmaceutical Fund, LP.

The address of Perseus-Soros BioPharmaceutical Fund, LP is 888 Seventh Avenue, 30th Floor, New York, New York 10106, the same address as that of Soros Fund Management. One could almost safely say that many of these entities are alter ego’s of Soros himself but his attorney’s would be lax to not differ with you.

The George Soros e-book: The New Paradigm for Financial Markets was offered for sale April 3, 2008 by PublicAffairs.

Peter Osnos is founder and editor-at-large of PublicAffairs Books, publishing a number of titles by George Soros.

The Perseus Books Group is an independent company who claim to be committed to enabling independent publishers to reach their potential whether those publishers are Perseus-owned, joint ventures or owned by third parties.


Frank H. Pearl
is not only a heavy contributor to democrat campaigns, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Rockefeller University, and The Brookings Institution. Mr. Pearl is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for International Economics, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and is a participating member of the American Friends of Bilderberg.

As an aside, Stephen Hess from The Brookings Institute was interviewed in this
video clip from a "news" story about Scotty's book.
They also "interviewed" some guy from
I wonder why they didn't interview Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin?

The Perseus Executive Biographies are very informative...and raise many questions.

Looks like Scotty boy sold his soul. Why he thought the public would believe he is an expert on all things in the Bush Administration is beyond comprehension. The boy was a sorry excuse for a White House Press Secretary and now will be added to the list of sorry excuses for authors.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

An Invitation to a New Revolution in America

To our fellow American countrymen,

Today, we invite you to join us on a journey to form a political alliance that will reshape our history and steer us back to the wisdom of our founding principles. If your blood runs a patriotic red, white & blue; if you wish to see the Federal Government function within its constitutional limitations; if you are tired of politically correct platitudes and policies that defy common sense; and if you reject the creeping socialism that both major political parties have embraced, please take a few minutes to learn about the FALCON Party and our agenda for America’s future.

We are not asking for money or oaths of allegiance. We are not even requiring you to leave the party to which you currently belong. But we are asking you to join us in this fight for America’s soul. We are seeking friends, supporters and allies who share the values of our heritage, values that were reflected and imbedded into our national character by a group of inspired patriots at our country’s founding.

For those who want to be organizers on the state or local level, we can certainly use your talents. For those who are, or wish to be, modern day pamphleteers in support of our conservative, pro-America agenda, we will give you an additional platform (or at least a link to your blog). For those that just want to stop by our website ( and offer moral support at this time, we welcome the encouragement. Any level of effort in between is also appreciated. Our goals are your goals. They are ambitious, but realistic. We intend to nominate candidates for national office by the 2012 presidential election year cycle. We intend to become a preeminent voice of conservatism in the years to come. We are not just a political party, but also a think tank, an advocate for American Exceptionalism, and a place to gather for those interested in US history, the foundations of our Republic, and our place in the world today.

We are not ‘neo-conservatives’, ‘paleo-conservatives’, or ‘third way’ conservatives; we are simply conservatives - American patriots who believe in fighting our enemies both foreign and domestic, slashing the unseemly bureaucracy that usurps our God given freedoms, and restoring the constitutionally proscribed powers between the federal government, the States and the people.

Why FALCON, you may ask? Our party was founded by rock ribbed, Reaganite conservatives who are more than disenchanted with the direction of the Republican Party. We are not intending to sabotage the genuine conservative members of the GOP. We will continue to support them with our voices and our alliance. By being an open party ourselves, we anticipate many GOPers will sign up for FALCON, yet retain their Republican membership for the time being (we anticipate the same for Libertarians and Constitution Party members).

Our name, FALCON is an acronym, and represents Fealty to America, Liberty, Conservatism, Optimism, and Nobility.

There are numerous issues that must be urgently addressed to keep the United States from decaying into a ‘formerly great country’. America cannot afford to lose its economic or military superpower status, especially as we see unfriendly nations and alliances rising to challenge us in every facet of human endeavor.

Please go to the link to finish this well thought out open invitation. You will be glad you did!


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