Frequently articles and comments appear in regard to defining the enemy – usually they condemn some individual or group for failing to recognize and define the prevailing enemy of the day. Generally speaking most of the times such articles and comments refer to our moslem [sic] enemies. However, I contend that there are a number of other enemies who most will also fail to define in clear and concise verbiage that all are able to read, understand and apply in their daily lives and understanding.
The number one enemy to which I refer is Barack Hussein Obama. To refer to this ineligible, unconstitutional usurping demagogue as ‘president’ is insulting to the vast majority of the American people and a false descriptor of one so vile. Unless and until he produces documentation providing proof positive he is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the United States of America, he is nothing more than a common street hustler and a fraud of monumental proportions. And spare me all the rhetoric about that forged CERTIFICATION of Live Birth, mommy was an American, he was born in Hawaii nonsense. Fact is IF Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was his daddy, as he claims; he is in no way a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and is therefore ineligible to serve as President of the United States. A precursory glance of
The Obama File will enlighten even the most staunch defender of the usurper if they read the information with an open mind and continue to research.
Call him whatever you like -- islamo-fascist, foreign born, communist bastard works -- just do not call him president. Barry does not act like a president, govern as one, nor is mentally capable of being a president of a free nation. This is enough said about this stigma on America. He must be removed as ineligible and erased from our history and the word president should never be used to allude to Barry Soetoro, or whatever his name is. This would not have been necessary but for the 535 poltroons in the United States CONgre$$.
Another forbidden word these days is communism, and/or communist. Every euphemism known to man is used to refrain from using those words in today's discourse. If one were a conspiracy theorist one might believe it is a communist plot to dull our senses and understanding of the term. Many words are used to replace the one simple word that all understand, Communism. One can call it Marxism, socialism, progressivism, leftism or liberalism, but few feel horror at any of these words. In fact, few know what it means to call someone a marxist. Nor do they understand what a marxist agenda represents. I say this with all confidence because I have actually conducted my own study over the past two plus years. I’ve queried hundreds of folks from 9-90 years old. School kids, college kids, high school graduates, those with some college and those with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and only one of them could articulate exactly what a “Marxist” or “Marxism” actually was and what it stood for. A few more seemed to know it referred to Karl Marx, but were not quite up to speed on exactly what Karl Marx represents.
If we are to survive as a nation, this absolutely must end NOW. We need to be communicating and educating our fellow citizens. Not all are ignorant, stupid or communists themselves. Many are simply over-worked, over-stressed and over-extended with trying to raise a family, make ends meet, keep up with their children and their activities and the like. I remember when I was in that position and would have been more than happy to have someone give me a brief, very brief, description of what was transpiring out there in the real world I did not have time for. Today, communism is that brief one word description. Telling a working mom that the leftists or liberals are taking over the country and turning it into a socialist or marxist utopia will have no quick or viable meaning to her. With extremely high unemployment rates, prices rising by the hour on food, gas and utilities nothing spells out that misery, despair, failure and loss of freedom like the single word --
Socialism no longer holds much concern among people these days. It has been so over-used and misapplied it is no longer seen as any kind of threat. After all, Canada, England and France are known socialist countries and they are not much different than we are. Not only that, our young people have been so indoctrinated within our illustrious halls of learning, they don’t find much wrong with communism either. We’ve been given doses of socialism for decades in this country, but few seem to notice or care. In 1959 it is alleged that Nikita Khrushchev, Premier of the Soviet Union said “We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have Communism." Whether Mr. Khrushchev actually said those exact words or not, they ring very true to those of us who grew up during the so-called cold war. America is no longer the country where I grew up. It is no longer the country where my children grew up – as one of them pointed out to me just last week.
Although I groused extensively as I stood by and helplessly watched what I deemed to be socialist programs and ideologies being turned into laws for the sole purpose of controlling the masses, there was little I could do at the time. My mother and father assured me the silent majority would prevail and organizations were being formed to confront what we saw in the eighties as a slide into socialism. There was no internet then so it was difficult to know and understand what was actually transpiring.
I was that working mom I mentioned earlier with no time or energy left to worry about politics and what was going on outside my job and home. The few times I jumped on issues and attended civil service and city hall meetings I was slapped down at every turn. How dare I question the masters was the attitude at the time and there was no one or organization to help. Eventually, I simply withdrew from the process all together and did not even bother to vote for nearly twenty years. Meanwhile, my mother and father continued to give copious amounts of money to a plethora of organizations that were to stop all this nonsense. Many are still around with little to show for their existence, in my opinion, but they still beg for money on a regular basis. After witnessing how many of the so-called conservative organizations prostituted themselves during the 2008 presidential campaign, I have cut them all off.
What America needs today is an informed electorate screaming from the roof-tops and the street corners what they know to be true – from their own research – and not mincing words in doing so. Talk to everyone everywhere you go.
You can be respectful without moderating your message. Use hard hitting words of truth not weak words of appeasement.
We have an ineligible, unconstitutional, USURPER currently soiling the People’s House
• He said he planned on “fundamentally transforming” the United States of America -- and he is
• He said he would provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless – and he is -- if you are a supporter
• He said "I will stand with the moslems should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" and he has without bothering to wait for those shifting winds.
The usurper and his regime are instituting communist programs via unconstitutional czars and unprecedented power and authority given to appointed department heads – and all with little to no objection from congress.
• He is continuing, or strengthening, the
Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto and the
45 Communist Goals as entered into the Congressional record in 1963.
• The tactics used by his regime are those espoused by Saul Alinsky in
Rules for Radicals [Do not miss the first paragraph under “The Ideology of Change” on page 11]Using words to aptly describe the actual events taking place is not throwing civility and decorum to the wind – it is a frantic attempt to open the eyes of those who still want to see, but are blinded by all the kinder, gentler words bandied about by the cowards and spineless in an effort to confuse and manipulate us.
Please educate yourself on these issues and go out across the land and spread the word boldly and without fear!
Labels: Barack Obama, Barry Dunham, Barry Soetoro, CONgress, cowards, Ineligible, liar, morons, Obama, unconstitutional, usurper