Shellings from the Peanut Gallery

There are times when one can no longer remain confined.
It matters not that one agrees or disagrees.
It matters only that the shell that binds be cracked and thrown off.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A. B. O.


When they say Anybody But Obama they really mean Anybody But Obama or Mitt Romney. Now, I don’t disagree with that sentiment in the least … however … NEWT???

Really people, have we learned nothing? Let’s refresh shall we? Do these names sound familiar to you? GEORGE H.W. BUSH - BOB DOLE - JOHN MCCAIN

When you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got!

Of all the republicans that actually declared their candidacy there are only a couple worth discussing.

Herman Cain, while falling into the “old men” category, was vivacious and alive with new ideas presented with a fresh twist. He took no guff from the dreaded enemedia and had a unique way of putting them in their place … until they took him down of course … all with the help of the power brokers in the GOP. The other exceptions for Cain are he is not white nor is he a career politician.

Michele Bachmann of course was in unchartered territory. First, she is a woman, which apparently freaked out more than a few in the Good Old Boys Club. Second, she is unashamedly very conservative and had no problem articulating her conservatism. Third, she is young and full of energy. Last, but certainly not least, she is not a career politician. She has actually had a life outside of the government largess.

Rick Santorum is the last conservative standing, but the big guns and knives are coming out for him in a big way. While I like Rick just fine, he would not have been my first choice for this, the most important election of our time. However, after Cain and Bachmann turned tail and ran, Rick is the only one I would consider voting for although he is not as conservative as I would prefer. Admittedly, I arrived at this decision when all the alleged conservatives were screaming for him to get out of the race to make room for the gigantic ego that is Newt.

What is most curious is that these mouth pieces were insisting he withdraw even though he won in Iowa while Newt came in at a very distant fourth place. The screams continued after Rick beat Newt in New Hampshire – albeit in fourth place -- which I will never understand. But I guess it is true what they say … the media chooses our candidates and that includes the so-called “conservative” media.

The Newt Blitz has been formidable and finally propelled Newt to his very first win in South Carolina. Now the cat calls for Santorum to quit have reached decibels that I no longer hear. Hopefully Rick can’t hear them either. It should now be clear for all to see at this point that the fix is in – AGAIN!

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Monday, January 23, 2012


Friday 1-19-12

I just don’t get it. Well, maybe I do, but am simply not ready to admit the calamitous plan the so-called conservatives and establishment republicans have on the table behind those closed doors in that smoke-filled back room where they make all their deals.

It is stupefying to hear alleged conservative leaders calling on candidates to drop out of the race for the presidency while advising those who have yet to vote in their primaries – which is 98% of the country – to vote for someone who has managed to place in a distant 4th place and a virtual tie 4/5th place in the only two primaries held thus far.

Billed as the “premier conservative web site” has now officially endorsed the Newt. Many on the thread are now calling for Rick Santorum to pull a Rick Perry and quit the race and endorse Newt. You all know Rick Santorum…he is the one who actually won the Iowa Caucus to Newt’s distant 4th place showing and trailed Newt in New Hampshire by 16 votes, if that count is to be believed, to virtually tie for 4th place. I remember well how FreeRepublic endorsed that McCain stalking horse, Fred Thompson in 2008. Perhaps there are some out there who remember that disgusting primary and are reeling that it is happening again.

UPDATE: As it turns out the New Hampshire count could not be believed. SANTORUM beat Newt for a 4th place finish to Newt’s 5th place. Yet the calls continue for Santorum to quit. Go figure!

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Thursday, January 19, 2012


Thursday 1-19-12

When the GOP says it is, you peons! Now shut the hell up and vote so we can perpetuate this fraud we call democratic, free and fair elections.

Back on January 3rd, there was a farce called the Iowa Primary. At the end of the day, Mitt was declared the winner as he was credited with 8 votes more than the nearest challenger, Rick Santorum. Of course we had to wait a couple of days as the hunt was on for more ballots, but eventually they were able to produce the 8 votes that allegedly put Mitt over the top.

Good old Mitt took his victory lap and Santorum gave his concession speech and life went on. Never mind the fact there were questions even back then as to the actual vote count. We were told in all likelihood there would be changes to the actual vote once everything was calculated for certification in a couple of weeks.

There were no headlines screaming “It’s a Tie” back then. No…no, Mitt had a BIG win which lead him to the “historical” win in New Hampshire a week later. Yeah, Mitt “won” both Iowa and New Hampshire so the other candidates might as well quit and allow Mitt to be crowned as the “Republican” nominee for President. This was an absolute “historical” moment in American politics -- if you care to believe the lying, communist Enemedia -- and by God no one was going to steal it from them! All this clamor after only 121,000 in Iowa and 248,000 in New Hampshire have had an opportunity to cast their vote. We the People have been excoriated and candidates have been “urged” to drop out and face the writing on the wall … Mitt Romney WILL BE the Republican candidate for president in 2012 and all you little people will NOT stop us.

Uh-oh…what have we here? Back the truck up! After two weeks of recounts -- with eight missing precincts never to be seen again -- the official vote count being submitted for certification shows Rick Santorum actually won the Iowa Caucus Primary by more than four times the number of votes Mitt had at the time … which sent the GOP Establishment and the Enemedia into euphoric fits of ecstasy for the past two plus weeks.

Now I want to see 100s of headlines touting the fantastic win by underdog Rick
Santorum! I want to see Mitt come out and give his Iowa concession speech and congratulate Rick Santorum on his fine win. I want to hear the GOP establishment say … never mind … I want the GOP Elitists to simply shut the hell up!!!

Iowa Republicans to call caucus result split decision

Split decision my ass …

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Monday, January 16, 2012

As is my morning routine, I fired up the computer, trotted off to pour my first cup of coffee and sat down to read about the abominations being committed in our new Obamanation. With all the atrocities being committed by the current regime, and their resultant effects on our nation, one would think there would be plenty of discussion coupled with ideas to end – if not slow
down – the destruction of the country.

What did I find instead?

Iran Bans Barbie: 'Meet Dara and Sara'

Bank Employees Accused Of Being Racist For Working On MLK Day

York: Final count could show Romney lost Iowa

SERIOUSLY?! THESE are the things we are most worried about as the country is spinning around the toilet bowl?

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Friday, January 13, 2012

NOW is the time for ALL good men to come to the aid of their country!

NOW is the time for ALL good men to come to the aid of their country!

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most liely to effect their safety and happiness.

Without listing the horrible abuses of power committed over the past three years, I will attempt to keep up with said abuses in this, his final year of tyranny, 2012.  The usurper started out with a real bang…or ended the previous year at the midnight hour with one.

The signing of the illegal, indefinite detention of American citizens on December 31, 2011.  The basturd ended the year with a bomb!

When you’ve got the ACLU against you, you KNOW you’ve crossed the line.

To give you a little background and who cast votes for this monstrosity, ( aka National Defense Authorization Act ) please study the following links.  It is an election year after all and every last one of these cretins must be removed.

H R 1540 RECORDED VOTE 14-Dec-2011 6:58 PM


Yes sirree … so glad we all worked so hard and gave money that we could hardly afford to ensure the republicans gained the majority in the House.  Fricking traitors!

U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 112thCongress - 1stSession

Vote Number:
Vote Date:
December 15, 2011, 04:02 PM

Measure Number:
H.R. 1540      (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 )
Vote Counts:
Not Voting

The 86 YEAs included 40 so-called republicans while the NAYs boasted 6 so-called republicans and the sole Not Voting entry.  Aren’t y’all thrilled you spent so much time and money to elect these fabulous members to the esteemed country club called the Senate?  Is there still anyone who believes putting republicans in the majority of the Senate will make one iota of difference in the drive down the Communist Highway?

The non-recess “recess” appointments on Wednesday January 4, 2012

The usurper appointed Richard Cordray to head the so-called Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Hours later he appointed three members to the National Labor Relations Board

Obama’s NLRB ‘Recess’ Appointees Circumvent Background Checks

EXIBIT 3 – coming soon to an internet near you

SOPA – the alleged Stop Online Piracy Act
All About SOPA, the Bill That Wants to Cripple Your Internet Very Soon

How SOPA would affect you: FAQ

What is SOPA and how does it work? The Stop Online Piracy Act explained

Stop the Stop Online Piracy Act

Check it out and you be the judge.

I’m off to discover the outrage of the day.


What the hell is wrong with people?

What the hell is wrong with people?  More importantly, what the hell is wrong with the so-called republicans?  I’m serious! 

Apparently there was another so-called GOP debate last night – Saturday January 7, 2012.  These staged partisan events are not even close to what could or should be called a debate.  They are nothing more than political games of gotcha put on by the communist demonRATs and their communist lackeys in the Enemedia, and those stupid republicans sign up for the humiliation every four years.  There was a time I took offense when many referred to the republican party as the Stupid Party, but no more!  They ARE the Stupid Republican Party which will now be called the SRP from now on, if only by me.

It is no secret the Enemedia are the propaganda arm of the CDNC. (Communist DemonRAT National Committee, for those of you in Rio Linda)  It should be clear to anyone with two functioning brain cells that their only mission during these circuses they try to bill as GOP debates is to make every one of the candidates look like complete and utter fools. With rare exception they are hugely successful.

Why do the SRP candidates submit themselves to this?  Why do they not conduct their own debates and have C-Span cover them?  Why not have Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin and Mark Levin be the interrogators and air the event on Glenn Beck’s new channel?  This would certainly be no different than allowing the CDNC perform for the Enemedia and their communist agents such as Chris Matthews, aka Tingles, little Georgie Steponallofus or Gwen Awful.  Let the Heritage Foundation or the League of Women Voters or some other sane organization host the debates.  If enough people scream for them to be covered, the alphabet networks would have to comply.

The purpose of these debates is allegedly to introduce the candidates to the voters and give them an overview of where they stand on the important issues facing our nation.  The last debates I ever watched were in late 2007 before the networks, including FOX, decided it was up to them to narrow the field and refused to allow certain candidates to appear on stage with the others.  In the long run it didn’t really matter they were excluded, because even when they were on stage they were given no time or questions of substance.  The entire exercise has become a joke, a really bad one at that.

And they expect me to enthusiastically support and vote for one of these morons for no other reason than they are Anybody But Obama?!